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Backport of elasticsearch to jessie batik-libs ? Bug#790902: ITP: geronimo-ejb-3.2-spec -- Apache Geronimo EJB 3.2 API Re: Bug#792018: RFS: commandbox/2.0.0 ITP -- CFML REPL, CLI, Package Manager, and Embedded Server Bug#792093: RM: modello-maven-plugin1.4 -- ROM; no longer used, replaced by modello-maven-plugin (>= 1.8) Bug#792094: RM: modello1.4 -- ROM; no longer used, replaced by modello (>= 1.8) Bug#792277: RM: geronimo-stax-1.2-spec -- ROM; obsolete, no longer used Bug#792322: ITP: smc-java -- State Machine Compiler Bug#792565: ITP: reactive-streams -- Standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure Bug#792603: ITP: openhft-compiler -- Java Runtime Compiler library Bug#792611: ITP: openhft-lang -- High Performance Java library for High Frequency Trading Bug#792630: ITP: openhft-chronicle-queue -- Java library for persisted low latency messaging Bug#792683: RFP: geronimo-interceptor-1.1-spec -- Geronimo API implementation of the Interceptor 1.1 spec Bug#792686: RFP: geronimo-atinject-1.0-spec -- Geronimo API implementation of the AtInject 1.0 spec Bug#792690: RFP: geronimo-jcache-1.0-spec -- Geronimo API implementation of the JCache 1.0 spec Bug#792691: RFP: geronimo-jcdi-1.0-spec -- Geronimo API implementation of the JCDI 1.0 spec Bug#792948: ITP: stringtemplate4 -- StringTemplate templating engine for Java Bug#793047: ITP: ruby-maven-libs -- Ruby library that provides access to a maven installation Bug#793133: ITP: hawtbuf -- Rich byte buffer library Bug#793313: ITP: hawtdispatch -- libdispatch style API for Java and Scala Bug#793327: ITP: mqtt-client -- Java MQTT Client API Bug#793337: ITP: gs-collections -- Goldman Sachs Collections Bug#793482: ITP: bookkeeper -- Replicated log service Bug#793644: ITP: hadoop -- Apache Hadoop distributed processing framework Bug#794208: RM: guava-libraries-18 -- ROM; no longer used, replaced by guava-libraries (>= 18) Re: failed sparc build of service-wrapper-java 3.5.26-1 help packaging kontalk with gradle build system Installing JEE jsap in Debian? libfontconfig1 missing in openjdk-8-jre-headless lintian: [new check] verify that JAR filename complies with Debian Java Policy Missing rbconfig.rb file in jruby packaging? Re: NoClassDefFoundError although jar is in classpath OpenJDK 8 transition openjdk-*-jdk, depends on -jre instead of -jre-headless Re: Packaging fest-swing and its dependencies Please review insubstantial (flamingo/substance/trident) RFS: commandbox/2.0.0 ITP -- CFML REPL, CLI, Package Manager, and Embedded Server RFS: eclipse-pydev 3.9.2-3 (RC bugfix) RFS: jffi 1.2.7-4 RFS: jnr-constants 0.8.6-6 RFS: jnr-ffi 1.0.10-3 RFS: jnr-posix 3.0.10-3 RFS: jnr-x86asm 1.0.2-3 Updates to cpptasks (ant-contrib-cpptasks) The last update was on 17:22 GMT Tue Jun 04. There are 97 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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