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Re: Installing JEE

On 2015-07-13 13:35, Ioan Eugen Stan wrote:
Hello Cecil,

Java EE means you need an application server. Some of the popular open
source ones I know are:

- Apache Tomee - http://tomee.apache.org/
- GlassFish - https://glassfish.java.net/
- JBoss WildFly - http://wildfly.org/

From what I know, none of them support JEE8 atm (not yet released).
All of them support JEE 6, and a few JEE 7. You will find that
information on each project page.

Unfortunately, they are not present in Debian. The reason, IMHO, they
have a lot of dependencies and are quite hard to package/maintain.

I recommend you start with Apache Tomee for JEE 6. I had quite good
experience with it.

That said, there is some good news: it does not need to be "present" in Debian. Just download some package from the Apache/Oracle/JBoss site and extract that, configure some and start it.

They are self sufficient, as long as there is JDK installed, preferably Oracle JDK.

That's how it is.

br. jarif

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