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Ant Contrib cpptasks
Banca inviato una notifica che e necessario completare
Bug#587832: RFP: gradle -- Groovy based build system
Re: Bug#588420: POM file depends on junit:junit:jar:debian artifact, which is not available in Debian
Bug#589450: RFP: jackrabbit -- Content Repository for Java (WebDAV, RMI and Web)
Bug#589501: hibernate: Move 3.5.x version to unstable (release with 3.5 in squeeze)
Bug#589598: ITP: libhibernate-jbosscache -- Java library that provides integration of Hibernate with JBossCache
Bug#590250: RM: jetty [kfreebsd-i386] -- ROM; jetty is broken on gcj/gij architectures
Bug#590966: RFP: libdynalang-java -- interoperable metaobject protocols for dynamic languages running on a Java Virtual Machine
Bug#590990: ITP: jffi -- Java Foreign Function Interface
Bug#591007: ITP: jnr-x86asm -- Pure java x86 and x86_64 assembler
Bug#591063: ITP: jaffl -- Java Abstracted Foreign Function Layer
Re: Colt (RFP)
Re: commons-daemon: some changes are missing from the svn repo
Debian Java meetup @ NYC Saturday 31
GlassFish v3
Re: Intent to NMU sun-java6 to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Re: [jetty-user] Jetty Plus on Jetty 6 - why is it not there?
JRuby 1.5.1
New section for 'Building Java Packages' (relating to [RFC: update to our website (on Alioth)])
Re: New section for 'Building Java Packages' (relating to [RFC: update to our website (on Alioth)])
OpenJDK / default JDK for squeeze / issues on mips / open security issues for lenny
Re: Packaging JSPWiki (Re: [Recalled] RFS: libservlet2.4-java (supersedes libservlet2.3-java))
Re: Packaging JSPWiki (Re: [Recalled] RFS: libservlet2.4-java (supersedes libservlet2.3-java))
Please upload xmlgraphics-commons 1.4
Please upload xslthl 2.0.2
POM file depends on junit:junit:jar:debian artifact, which is not available in Debian
Re: [Recalled] RFS: libservlet2.4-java (supersedes libservlet2.3-java)
Re: [Recalled] RFS: libservlet2.4-java (supersedes libservlet2.3-java)
RFC : update to our website (on Alioth)
RFS: acgvision-agent (updated package)
RFS: castor-maven-plugin (new package)
Re: RFS: castor (new package, needed to package Spring Framework 3.0)
Re: RFS: cpptasks (fwd to d-java@l.d.o)
RFS: eclipselink (new upstream release)
RFS: freeplane - A Java program to create and edit mind maps
Re: RFS: freeplane - A Java program to create and edit mind maps
RFS: jets3t (new upstream release)
RFS: jme - high performance scenegraph based graphics java API
RFS: libgpars-groovy-java (new package, needed to package Grails)
RFS: libservlet2.4-java (supersedes libservlet2.3-java)
RFS: libspring-webflow-2.0-java
RFS: libtableformatter-java
RFS: mojarra (new upstream release)
RFS: sisc
Small problem with fop versioning
tomcat5.5 - the long overdue stable upload
tomcat6 init script (was: commons-daemon: some changes are missing from the svn repo)
Uploading fop 1.0 to experimental
The last update was on 19:02 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 116 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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