Re: [Recalled] RFS: libservlet2.4-java (supersedes libservlet2.3-java)
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On 2010-07-09 04:53, Onkar Shinde wrote:
> A quick comment. IIRC, there are API differences between servlet2.3
> and servlet2.4. So 'Provides' doesn't make sense.
Okay, I must have confused it with something else - I thought they were
backwards compatible. I will recall this RFS and undo the Provides on
SVN later, thanks for catching this. :)
> Also there are no
> common files between two packages. So 'Replaces' doesn't make sense
> either.
Policy example for "replace package and force removal of the old" lists
a replaces, and I also added a symlink from servlet-api-2.3.jar to the
2.4 so with this upload they would have common files.
> If there is just one (build)rdep of libservlet2.3-java then let's just
> migrate it to libservlet2.4-java and get rid of previous package.
That would be ideal, but this is a package in poor shape in contrib. It
uses non of its Build-Depends (except ant and java), so you could just
trim out the B-Ds, however, I do not really want to do a "half-done"
upload of it.
I have imported the package to git [1] and started working on it. As far
as I can tell we do not have "jrcs-diff.jar" which is needed. We also
need some other libraries, but so far I have ignored those (since there
were code snippets in d/rules to build jspwiki without these).
There is also a new upstream release of jspwiki - I do not know if it
would make the situation better or worse. The current jspwiki compiles
against servlet2.5.
Anyhow, feel free to help me with this one - it would be really great to
get rid of servlet2.3 before Squeeze.
Note: Even if we get jspwiki into shape it will stay in contrib due to
jabsorb, which we had to move to non-free (upstream have been notified
about it).
> Onkar
Note: it is currently set to use the precompiled binarys. I have not
cleaned the tarball yet, so it complicates some rules. Just comment in
the commands in override_dh_auto_{build,clean} and apply the jabsorb api
patch. With that we have stripped out a small part and build with only
one binary jar.
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