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Re: [jetty-user] Jetty Plus on Jetty 6 - why is it not there?

Hi Stian,

On Friday, July 02, 2010, Stian Brattland wrote:
> Hei,
> I've installed Jetty on an Ubuntu 9.10 box, using "apt-get install jetty
> libjetty-extra libjetty-extra-java". However, no Jetty Plus files are
> included when i
> install Jetty this way. I am as certain as i could be about this,
> because i kept getting a "ClassNotFound"-exception indicating that the
> "EnvEntry" class
> could not be found.
> However, what i did was that i downloaded one of the 6.x releases, and
> added the "annotations" and "plus" directories to the "jetty/lib" dir on
> my ubuntu
> box. Things worked fine after that.
> Anyway, is that the easiest way to add plus capabilities to the jetty
> release which is available via apt-get on my ubuntu 9.10 box? Is there a
> reason for
> not letting Jetty Plus being included (like licenses, copyrights or
> anything similar?)

Your question is better addressed to the Debian/Ubuntu maintainers of the 
Jetty maintainers.

I'm looking around for the reasons of Jetty Plus absence, but sending it to 
the list in case anybody has the answer at hand.

You are welcome to fill a wish-list bug against jetty requesting plus to be 
included, but most likely it is missing due to lack of manpower. You're more 
than welcomed to join Debian Java Maintainers [1] and help us out.



[1] http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/developers.html

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