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Re: Frank Carmickle and Marco Paganini must die

On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 03:03:06AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> 	Bullshit. It is not part of my duties to wipe the butt of
>  people too incompetent to figure out a way of getting email.  I'll
>  make a reasonable effort (send them mail), and then move on to
>  actually working on helping Debian, rather than helping an piss-poor
>  email system.

OK, so tell me what scenario you prefer.

Scenario 1:
-   User e-mails you about something relating to your official duties.
-   You reply to the user from your dialup IP, and your message gets bounced
    by his ISP
-   Upon receipt of the bounce message, you take *20 seconds* to login to a
    webmail site, cut and paste your e-mail, and include something at the end
    like "by the way, I tried to send this mail from my other account but it
    was blocked.  You should consider using an ISP with a better filtering
-   User says "thanks, I'll look into that" and leaves with a good impression.

Scenario 2:
-   User e-mails you about something relating to your official duties.
-   You reply to the user from your dialup IP, and your message gets bounced
    by his ISP.
-   You think "fuck this braindead user", delete the message, and forget
    about it.
-   User waits a week and sends another message.  You ignore it because in 
    your mind, you already answered him and he ignored you.
-   User waits another week and then complains to debian-devel about being
    ignored.  You of course then have to respond to him, bringing up your
    dynamic IP situation.  We then get to have a repeat of this thread for the
    Xth time.


Adam McKenna  <adam@debian.org>  <adam@flounder.net>

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