debian-backports Aug 2011 by thread
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Re: Backport of bacula 5.0.3 Kilian Krause
Dependencies issue on audacious-plugins amd64 Cyril LAVIER
Re: [Pkg-samba-maint] samba 2:3.5.9~dfsg-1~bpo60+1 amd64 Christian PERRIER
Chromium 13 backport Michael Gilbert
Nginx 1.1.0-1 backport Cyril Lavier
Iceweasel Questions Bill Diehl
Re: Bits from the Lintian maintainers Thorsten Glaser
how to make sure that Squeeze stays Squeeze? Harald Dunkel
Not possible te upgrade xserver-xorg to 2:1.10.3-1 Roel Hendriksen
is there any way to request a specific backport? Kyle Simpson
Squeeze backports for Xorg Cyril Brulebois
Backports of firetray 0.3.1-1 and autofill-forms Sascha Girrulat
Please provide squeeze backports for alsa Touko Korpela
xserver-xorg(-video) upgrade - problem with input-abi and input-{kbd,mouse} Manuel Hachtkemper
RFS: exaile (backported package, 2nd try) Vincent Cheng
RFS: conky (backported package) Vincent Cheng
git-flow Holger Levsen
rt4 + mod_perl + mod_ssl segfault Phillip Frost
Chromium 13 security update Michael Gilbert
Backport of Kicad W. Martin Borgert
The last update was on 20:25 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 116 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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