Re: Backport of bacula 5.0.3
* Pietro Bertera <> [2011-08-09 10:16:52 CEST]:
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Alexander Wirt <> wrote:
> > You shouldn't assume things. Especially not for important packages like
> > bacula. Did you get in touch with rhonda before (he did the backport in
> > lenny). There is also the problem that we expect package maintainers in bpo
> > to be experienced debian packagers, that is the reason why I discourage the
> > current practice of some DD's to just sponsoring everything that comes by to
> > backports.
> >
> > I'll talk to my fellow ftpmaster collegue about this topic.
> I'm not a debian developer. I followed the instructions here:
> If you think it's a good thing I will maintain the package for debian
> backports. Otherwise I will keep the package only on my servers.
You haven't contacted the former backporter (me), and you don't seem to
have been in contact with the regular package maintenance team, at least
not from what I can tell when looking at the pkg-bacula-devel list
is the current one, and contains my
I'm also not completely sure whether the team members back then when
John orphaned said they would like to provide the backport themself -
that's why I hesitated at first, which brings me back to square one:
Have you been in contact with them? Because then they could have told
you about these things ...
Thanks so far,
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