debian-sparc Feb 2010 by thread
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- Re: Lenny boot hangs on Sun Ultra 5 Vladimir R
- Problems with interfaces on Sun Ultra 5 Vladimir R
- Re: Problems with interfaces on Sun Ultra 5 Vladimir R
- SPARC SunBlade 2000 fails to find disks: ql2200_fw.bin not found, "Firmware image unavailable." (kernel 2.6.26, Debian lenny) Joost van Baal
- Re: SPARC SunBlade 2000 fails to find disks: ql2200_fw.bin not found, "Firmware image unavailable." (kernel 2.6.26, Debian lenny) Jurij Smakov
- Re: SPARC SunBlade 2000 fails to find disks: ql2200_fw.bin not found, "Firmware image unavailable." (kernel 2.6.26, Debian lenny) Joost van Baal
- Re: SPARC SunBlade 2000 fails to find disks: ql2200_fw.bin not found, "Firmware image unavailable." (kernel 2.6.26, Debian lenny) Joost van Baal
- Re: SPARC SunBlade 2000 fails to find disks: ql2200_fw.bin not found, "Firmware image unavailable." (kernel 2.6.26, Debian lenny) Jurij Smakov
- Re: SPARC SunBlade 2000 fails to find disks: ql2200_fw.bin not found, "Firmware image unavailable." (kernel 2.6.26, Debian lenny) Joost van Baal
- Re: SPARC SunBlade 2000 fails to find disks: ql2200_fw.bin not found, "Firmware image unavailable." (kernel 2.6.26, Debian lenny) Joost van Baal
- Re: SPARC SunBlade 2000 fails to find disks: ql2200_fw.bin not found, "Firmware image unavailable." (kernel 2.6.26, Debian lenny) Jurij Smakov
- workaround implemented! (was: Re: SPARC SunBlade 2000 fails to find disks: ql2200_fw.bin not found, "Firmware image unavailable." (kernel 2.6.26, Debian lenny)) Joost van Baal
- Re: workaround implemented! (was: Re: SPARC SunBlade 2000 fails to find disks: ql2200_fw.bin not found, "Firmware image unavailable." (kernel 2.6.26, Debian lenny)) Josip Rodin
- improved workaround (was: [...] SPARC SunBlade 2000 fails to find disks: ql2200_fw.bin not found, "Firmware image unavailable." (kernel 2.6.26, Debian lenny)) Joost van Baal
- Problem with a SunFire V120 -- Kernel panics when trying to install Yan Morissette
- dynare FTBFS on sparc Sébastien Villemot
- Re: New SILO version available for testing Jurij Smakov
- Re: Bug#512740: Sparc disk labels broken on LDOM and Parallel installs Stefano Zacchiroli
- console handover: boot [earlyprom0] --> real [tty0] philo
- Re: Bug#565765: ruby1.9.1: FTBFS on sparc Lucas Nussbaum
The last update was on 20:05 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 53 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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