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(no subject)
[ [Caml-list] Objective Caml release 3.08.4]
[VAC] 2005/07/05 - 2005/07/11
Re: [VAC] 2005/08/05 - 2005/08/11
[VAC] 2005/08/08 => 2005/09/06
Accepted cameleon 1.3-7 (source i386 all)
Accepted camlidl 1.05-3 (source i386)
Accepted lablgl 1.01-6 (source i386)
Accepted lablgtksourceview 0.0.1-1 (source i386)
Accepted ocaml 3.08.3-6 (source i386 all)
Accepted ocaml 3.08.3-7 (source i386 all)
Accepted ocaml-http 0.1.1-1 (source i386)
Accepted ocamldap 2.1.4-1 (source i386)
Accepted ocamlnet 1.1-4 (source i386)
Accepted ocurl 0.2.1-1 (source i386)
approx and ocaml-http (was: Camlrpc and Cduce updated, new Camlgz)
ara (1.0.10) fixes minor/wishlist descrition bugs - please upload
Bug#312618: install fails
Bug#312618: reopen
Bug#320504: To close.
Bug#320779: marked as done (ocaml :cannot upgrade)
Bug#320779: ocaml :cannot upgrade
Bug#321306: cannot find the "ocaml-md5sums" file after apt-get upgrade
Bug#321306: marked as done (cannot find the "ocaml-md5sums" file after apt-get upgrade)
Bug#322210: [m68k] ocaml-nox: can not be removed
Bug#322210: marked as done ([m68k] ocaml-nox: can not be removed)
Bug#322341: Borken implementation of the fancyvrb package in text output (at least)
Bug#322712: ocaml: suspicious CVS directories in ocaml package
Bug#322722: ocaml-nox: missing dependency on gcc (and binutils?)
Bug#323221: implicit pointer conversion
Bug#323221: marked as done (implicit pointer conversion)
Bug#323963: advi: segfault or fatal error when scaling display
Bug#324941: libcryptokit-ocaml: v1.3 & nums
Bug#325401: liblablgtk2-ocaml-dev: Possible dependency problem
caml-mode (was: Few questions)
camlidl_1.05-3_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Re: Camlrpc and Cduce updated, new Camlgz
Commits completed
Compilation problem: missing -lssl
CONFIRM 58ed2c3e08ac3363458202dad1e37022
CONFIRM 6fa679b6fe4c636c5f3d8a085cbbc069
FW: D3grees Based On Your Knowlege
dh_ocaml and ocamlrun deps
Re: Re: Failure
Few questions
Re: gprolog: FTBFS with hevea: unknown option -nosymb
I think I forgot ...
ia64 FTBFS, and ocaml removal post-inst failure (3.08.3-6).
Re: Mail Delivery (failure
More questions
Re: Objective Caml release 3.08.4
ocaml build failure on ia64 with gcc4
ocaml progress
ocaml-md5sum problem in debian/rules
ocaml_3.08.3-6_i386.changes ACCEPTED
ocaml_3.08.3-7_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Processed: Re: Bug#312618: reopen
Processed: Re: Bug#322210: [m68k] ocaml-nox: can not be removed
Processed: Re: Bug#322341: Borken implementation of the fancyvrb package in text output (at least)
Processed: Re: Bug#322712: ocaml: suspicious CVS directories in ocaml package
Processed: Re: Bug#323963: advi: segfault or fatal error when scaling display
Processed: reopen
Processed: sdfdf
Processed: tagging 294753, bug 294753 is forwarded to ... ...
Processed: tagging 304360, tagging 301046
Processed: tagging 316500, tagging 310701
Processing of camlidl_1.05-3_i386.changes
Re: Processing of ocaml_3.08.3-3+SVN_i386.changes
Processing of ocaml_3.08.3-6_i386.changes
Processing of ocaml_3.08.3-7_i386.changes
RFS: camlidl
RFS: lablgl and rest of my package
RFS: many packages
Software 3000 swam
Spurious changelog entry in ocaml
Re: subscribe
tuareg-mode and ocaml-mode
ubuntu ocaml documentation
using .opt compilers by default with ocaml-native-compilers
The last update was on 08:32 GMT Mon May 27. There are 258 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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