debian-cd May 2016 by subject
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"The Pefect Google Ad...!!"
8.5 and 7.11 planning
Bad HTML syntax
Bug#744155: marked as done (debian-cd: patches for hppa arch (disable gzip kernels, use xorriso to build CD))
Re: Bug#758116: Allow to select Blends selection during installation - just "DE", "Web server", "Mail server" is NOT enough
Bug#768977: marked as done (debian-cd uses 'ppmtolss16' but does not depend on 'syslinux-utils')
Bug#783569: marked as done (powerpc CD boot prompt obsolete)
Bug#795844: marked as done (armel and armhf images missing kernel and initramfs)
Bug#798908: marked as done (debian-cd: Please support grub menuentry shortcuts)
Bug#808958: marked as done (Update kernel package selection for i386 in stretch)
Bug#809497: marked as done (debian-cd: Please include espeakup on cd1, not speakup, and alsa-utils)
Bug#809698: marked as done (debian-cd: please switch URIs from http to https.)
Bug#818176: marked as done (debian-cd: hurd update)
Re: Bug#819719: override: apt:admin/required
Bug#820479: marked as done (accommodate rename of btrfs-tools to btrfs-progs (patch included))
Bug#820479: patch
Bug#823614: add UEFI boot support for armhf
Content offer for
DebConf session proposed
Debian images and USB sticks
debian-cd_3.1.18_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Re: debian-installer issues with no wireless network connection after a text based Jessie installation
Firmware files missing from non-free cd image?
For image
Improving firmware reporting
Looking for a non free dvd+
Fw: new message
OpenStack image now using Grub by default
Processed: closing 813131
Processing of debian-cd_3.1.18_amd64.changes
Re: Reproducing cd build
Require Debian 7.6 AMD ISO
stretch installer question
Re: Torrent file for netinst non-free firmware doesn't work
unusability issues
Upcoming oldstable point release (7.11)
Upcoming stable point release (8.5)
The last update was on 12:24 GMT Mon May 30. There are 94 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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