debian-boot Dec 2019 by thread
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Re: Next attempt to add Blends to Debian installer Andreas Tille
Possible bug ? Mario Stromar
Bug#872410: AHCI module not loaded when using preseed Jörg Schulz
"Expert" mode as DIAGNOSTIC tool during installation ?????? Richard Owlett
Bug#367515: marked as done (kernel ABI mismatch message should tell user to look for an updated CD) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#749991: marked as done (debian-installer: Wrong kernel in debian-installer package) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#926795: marked as done (di-netboot-assistant: Unable to install Debian Buster amd64 from d-i n-a at 2019-04-10 generated boot-file) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of anna_1.73_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
anna_1.73_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processing of clock-setup_0.143_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
clock-setup_0.143_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processing of partman-efi_81_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
Bug#927572: marked as done (Updating the partman-efi Uploaders list) Debian Bug Tracking System
partman-efi_81_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processing of base-installer_1.192_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
Processing of cdrom-checker_1.44_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
base-installer_1.192_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
cdrom-checker_1.44_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processing of cdrom-detect_1.86_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
Processing of cdrom-retriever_1.47_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
cdrom-detect_1.86_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
cdrom-retriever_1.47_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processing of netcfg_1.163_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
Processing of partman-md_92_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
netcfg_1.163_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
partman-md_92_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processing of partman-auto-lvm_78_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
partman-auto-lvm_78_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Bug#947085: cdebconf: Please omit cdebconf-{gtk,newt}-udeb on Ubuntu/i386 Steve Langasek
Processing of network-console_1.83_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
Processing of partman-basicfilesystems_150_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
network-console_1.83_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
partman-basicfilesystems_150_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processed: Bug#932416 marked as pending in rootskel Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Bug#940028 marked as pending in rootskel Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of grub-installer_1.167_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
grub-installer_1.167_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Bug#947173: debootstrap: Fails when run from path containing space character Yvan Masson
Bug#930970: marked as done (rootskel FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture compiler) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#932416: marked as done (debian-installer: running d-i in parallel on multiple consoles may lead to race conditions) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#940028: marked as done (launching d-i on multiple consoles doesn't play well with preseeding) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of rootskel_1.132_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
rootskel_1.132_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Bug#855151: marked as done (tasksel: should not be Priority: important) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of installation-report_2.73_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
Processing of iso-scan_1.78_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
iso-scan_1.78_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
installation-report_2.73_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Bug#914813: Test with current daily Bernhard
Bug#944115: tasksel: Please drop all Qt4-related packages Boyuan Yang
Processed: Update status for bug 944115 Debian Bug Tracking System
[bts-link] source package src:tasksel debian-bts-link
Bug#947449: installation-report: No networking on Olimex Lime2 (Allwinner A20) Marek Nečada
Bug#947458: installation-report: No bootloader install on A64-OLinuXino/sid Marek Nečada
Fresh install of Debian 10.2 subject to bug #860533 Mike Hommey
Bug#942128: installation-guide-amd64: security apt resource Holger Wansing
Re: Bug#947693: installation script changes swap UUID andreimpopescu
Re: Bug#930846: partman-auto-lvm: debconf show guided_size during auto install Holger Wansing
Bug#414194: marked as done (installation-guide: mentions mdcfg and lvmcfg instead of partman-md and partman-lvm) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#913389: marked as done (installation-guide: Updating advice for choosing a network mirror (Section Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#794936: marked as done (installation-guide: claims it will use "CD-ROM" as cover-term then doesn't) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#927165: marked as done (debian-installer: improve support for LUKS) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#927987: marked as done (Don't tell users to use ext3) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#929752: marked as done (Replace grave accents/single quotes by <quote></quote> in gpl.xml) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#930476: marked as done (exim4 is no longer installed by default) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#935069: marked as done (installation-guide: remove mentions of floppies) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#932284: marked as done (installation-guide: Update docs for apt-setup/localX/key preseeding config) Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: unarchiving 930846 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing of installation-guide_20191229_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
installation-guide_20191229_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
The last update was on 23:20 GMT Mon Dec 30. There are 167 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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