debian-backports Mar 2011 by subject
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Re: [ Accepted clive 2.2.13-5+squeeze1 (source all)]
[ Accepted clive 2.2.13-5+squeeze1 (source all)]
Arm Backport
Broken dinstall?
drupal6 for lenny-backports-sloppy
How to get all packported packages list?
linux-image-2.6.32-bpo.5-amd64 kernel panic when running on Xen
nvidia-graphics-drivers for squeeze-backports?
removing backports?
RFS: anything-el_1.287-2~bpo60+1
RFS: pidgin 2.7.11-1~bpo60+1
RFS: pidgin [squeeze-backports, 2.7.11-1~bpo60+1]
RFS: rgbpaint (first backport upload)
RFS: subversion (updated package) [lenny-backports, 1.6.12dfsg-5~bpo50+1]
Upload to squeeze-backports silently fails
The last update was on 07:24 GMT Wed May 29. There are 41 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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