drupal6 for lenny-backports-sloppy
I've prepared a backport of drupal6_6.20-1 for lenny. This version fixes several security issues and is already in testing and squeeze-backports. Here are the changelog since lenny ,which holds 6.18~bpo50+1:
drupal6 (6.20-1~bpo50+1) lenny-backports-sloppy; urgency=low
* Backported to lenny-backports-sloppy
drupal6 (6.20-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Luigi Gangitano ]
* New upstream release (Closes: #613343)
* debian/watch
- Updated watch file to changed upstream repo
* debian/{drupal6.post{inst,rm},README.Debian}
- Removed automatic link in apache2 configuration directory, added
instructions on how to enable to README.Debian (Closes: #565738)
Thanks for consideration.
Luigi Gangitano -- <luigi@debian.org> -- <gangitano@lugroma3.org>
GPG: 1024D/924C0C26: 12F8 9C03 89D3 DB4A 9972 C24A F19B A618 924C 0C26
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