debian-newmaint Mar 2013 by author

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Asheesh Laroia

Bdale Garbee

Charles Plessy via nm

Cyril Brulebois

Daniel Pocock

Eugene V. Lyubimkin

Fabio M. Di Nitto

Geoffrey Thomas

Gunnar Wolf

Holger Levsen

Jonathan Wiltshire (Front Desk)

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

Luke Faraone

Markus Wanner

Nick M . Daly

Nicolas Dandrimont

NM Front Desk

Philipp Kern

Thijs Kinkhorst

Thomas Koch

Tom Marble

Wouter Verhelst

The last update was on 06:47 GMT Sun May 19. There are 28 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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