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DM application for Markus Wanner

This is my declaration of intent to become a Debian Maintainer. I have
read the Social Contract, Debian Free Software Guidelines and Debian
Machine Usage Policy and agree with all of them.

Currently, I maintain the package asio and and I co‐maintain the
package monotone. In addition to that I'm working on two new packages
that got an RFP: dparser and python-ftgl, see mentors.d.n for those.

I value quality and stability of Debian a lot and I want to help in that
area. Thus I started working on PTS. I fixed #700515 and am working on

My GnuPG key AC9DF31B is signed by the Debian Developer Sebastian Harl
and many other participants of FrOSCamp 2010.

I look forward to becoming a Debian Maintainer. Thanks for your attention.


Markus Wanner

[1]: my pgp key's fingerprint:
ED67 6236 0784 E331 E253  03D6 025A FE95 AC9D F31B

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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