debian-l10n-russian Nov 2017 by thread
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- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4013.wml} Lev Lamberov
- Validation failed Debian Webmaster
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4014.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4015.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4016.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-401{7,8}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4019.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4020.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{users/gov/sopsr.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-402{1,3}.wml Lev Lamberov
- Re: [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-39{18,19,20}.wml Andrey Skvortsov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4024.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{users/com/africanlottery.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-402{2,5}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4026.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4030.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-402{7,8,9}.wml Lev Lamberov
- Tidy validation failed Debian Webmaster
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4031.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4032.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4033.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{consultants/r_coker.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-403{4,5,6}.wml Lev Lamberov
- Re: [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-391{3,4}.wml Andrey Skvortsov
- Небольшие исправления перевода программы установки Алексей Шилин
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-403{8,9}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4040.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-404{1,2}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4043.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4044.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4045.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4046.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-404{7,8}.wml Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4049.wml} Lev Lamberov
- ejabberd 17.11-1: Please update debconf PO translation for the package ejabberd Philipp Huebner
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4050.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4051.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883104] po-debconf://nginx/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883110] po-debconf://privoxy/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883109] po-debconf://libvirt/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883111] po-debconf://sash/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4052.wml} Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883207] po-debconf://matrix-synapse/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883205] po-debconf://isa-support/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883204] po-debconf://usrmerge/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883142] po-debconf://hyperscan/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883141] po-debconf://openvas-scanner/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883140] po-debconf://refind/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883139] po-debconf://makedumpfile/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [BTS#883210] po-debconf://metaphlan2-data/ru.po Lev Lamberov
- [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4053.wml} Lev Lamberov
The last update was on 10:23 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 86 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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