debian-l10n-portuguese Sep 2007 by thread
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[ITT] po-debconf://wvdial/pt_BR.po Beraldo Leal
[ITT] po-debconf://motion/pt_BR.po Beraldo Leal
[D-I Manual] Build log for pt_BR (08 Set 2007) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
(assunto em branco) ACEDIR JESUS
Caps Lock and BR-ABNT2: still can't reproduce Christian Perrier
[D-I Manual] Build log for pt (16 Sep 2007) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
Ping - descartar Eder L. Marques
Pong Beraldo Leal
Please update debconf PO translation for the package xorg-server 2: Christian Perrier
Please update debconf PO translation for the package portmap 6.0-2 Christian Perrier
Tiered of been passed over for that promotion because you don't have the proper Degree? Nolan Culver
[DONE] po-debconf://laptop-netconf/pt_BR.po Christian Perrier
[BTS#439137] po-debconf://laptop-netconf/pt_BR.po Christian Perrier
foysen sculduddery new password Luis
Please update debconf PO translation for the package heimdal 0.7.2.dfsg.1-11 Christian Perrier
[ITT] po://photoprint//photoprint-0.3.5/po/pt_BR.po Krishnamurti L. L. V. Nunes
IMAGEM DVD juniorsilveira
Introduction to Premier BPO mrizzo
Please update debconf PO translation for the package openslp 1.2.1-6.3 Christian Perrier
[ITT] po://photoprint/photoprint-0.3.5/po/pt_BR.po Krishnamurti L. L. V. Nunes
[ITT] po-debconf://quagga/quagga_pt_BR.po jefferson alexandre
hey man Berry Nolan
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