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can't install neither openjdk-7-jre nor openjdk-7-jdk in Debian Jessie
Re: can't install neither openjdk-7-jre nor openjdk-7-jdk in Debian Jessie
About Jenkins in Debian
Re: About Jenkins in Debian is not black OR white
Re: Fwd: Bug#808782: RFS: jpedal4-lgpl [ITP] Java PDF Extraction Decoding Access Library (LGPL4)
Re: Bug#808783: RFS: openviewerfx [ITP] Open Source JavaFX PDF Viewer
Bug#811463: RM: clojure-contrib -- ROM; obsolete, not used
Bug#811466: RM: clojure1.2 -- ROM; obsolete, replaced by clojure1.6
Bug#811487: RM: libconstantine-java -- ROM; replaced by jnr-constants
Bug#811537: ITP: maven-script-interpreter -- Maven Script Interpreter
Bug#812548: ITP: qdox2 -- quickly parses declarations and Javadoc from Java source
Bug#812688: ITP: ivy-debian-helper -- Helper tools for building Debian packages with Ivy
Bug#812792: ITP: airlift-slice -- Java library for efficiently working with heap and off-heap memory
Bug#812930: ITP: assertj-core -- Fluent assertions for Java
Bug#813091: RM: maven2 -- ROM; replaced by maven
Re: can't install neither openjdk-7-jre nor openjdk-7-jdk in Debian Jessie
Help needed for gatk
Help packaging Scala
help understanding java compile issue for lombok.ast
How long is it feasible to maintain OpenJDK6
Re: Java problem when upgrading pixelmed
JTS 1.14
Re: maven-repo-helper questions
Need help to upgrade libmtj-java package
Need help to upgrade libnetlib-java package
Re: Packages not supported in wheezy-lts
Packaging maven-scala-plugin (Was: Help needed for gatk)
Packaging sbt
Re: plans for eclipse luna in debian
Request to be added to the project
RFS: gradle_2.10-1
Trying to free f2c
Why is tracer not build in beast-mcmc package
The last update was on 20:57 GMT Tue Jun 04. There are 100 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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