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Re: Trying to free f2c

Hi Emmanuel,

On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 11:54:16AM +0100, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> > So my question is:  Do we possibly rely here on a non-free tool that
> > is really not needed and we could simply drop it?
> I got a quick look and you might be right, the goto_trans stuff seems
> optional. What happens if you don't install javab in the f2j package?

I did a quick test with a local build.  I can easily build
libnetlib-java_0.9.3 fith f2c without the javab executable.  I have no
idea how to do proper performance tests, thought.  I have no idea
whether javab is used in the build process at all - may be I should
do some investigation of access timestamp.

In case your insight says that javab is not needed I'd consider the
following procedure:

   1. I create a tarball without non-free code
      (there is one other remaining file but PrintfFormat.java[1]
       does not sound as if could not be replaced by something else)
   2. Move this to pkg-java Git and create a package from this.

May be somebody can give hints according to performance tests to compare
libnetlib-java build with and without javab.

What do you think?

Kind regards


[1] http://f2j.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/f2j/f2j/util/org/j_paine/formatter/PrintfFormat.java?view=markup


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