JTS 1.14
JTS 1.14 was released a few days ago. It has split the project into
separate artifacts on Maven Central [0] where the old 'jts' artefact is
now 'jts-core'.
The upstream SVN repository and its ant build.xml [1] do not build these
individual artefacts. That has remained largely unchanged compared to 1.13.
In Debian, JTS is required for h2database, elasticsearch &
libspatial4j-0.4-java. These are likely to use at least the new jts-core
Maven artefact when they update to JTS 1.14, instead of the old jts
artefact as they do now. Some mangling in maven.rules should be
sufficient to deal with that.
The upstream tarball (zip file more specifically), doesn't contain the
source code separately any more, that has been moved to source JARs. And
the content of these source JARs are different from those available on
Maven Central.
For the jts Debian package we can switch to the SVN sources with a
custom get-orig-source target for the upstream tarball, or we can unpack
the source JARs with a custom script in the watch file. The latter will
keep packaging close to what we had for JTS 1.13. The former will allow
us to build the other artefacts available on Maven Central too (jts-app
& jts-example in particular).
I'll start by unpacking the source JARs from the zip file for the
initial packaging update to 1.14, we can decide to adopt the modular
approach like Maven Central when reverse dependencies show a need for this.
JTS 1.14 will be uploaded to experimental first, and which the impact on
the reverse dependencies can be evaluated.
[0] http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/vividsolutions/
Kind Regards,
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