Re: RFS: gradle_2.10-1
Uploaded, thank you for the update!
Emmanuel Bourg
Le 21/01/2016 12:18, 殷啟聰 a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I have prepared gradle_2.10-1 on Alioth
> <>. Here is the changelog:
> * New upstream release
> - Update manpage
> * Drop the use of javahelper since it never works well with maven-repo-helper
> * d/generate_classpath.gradle: Sort classpaths for reproducibility
> * drop d/patches/disable_distributions.diff: Unnecessary
> It now builds maven-repo data correctly!
> Note that Lintian will tell a lot of "duplicate-files" on example
> files. Since they are example files so maybe this can be ignored?
> Regards,
> Kai-Chung Yan
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