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Re: help understanding java compile issue for lombok.ast

Am 16.01.2016 um 15:20 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:
> I'm packaging lombok and related things since the Android SDK Tools
> depend on it.  They all build with a custom additions to ivy called
> ivyplusplus, which I've packaged.  The build/compile process runs fine,
> but it does not actually compile some of the .java files into .class
> files.  Looking at the `ant -verbose` output of the build using my
> ivyplusplus package versus the official ivyplusplus binary does not show
> really any differences that I can spot.
> The only differences I see between the two compilation logs are:
> * the official ivyplusplus has:
>     -target 1.8 -encoding UTF-8 -g -Xlint:unchecked -source 1.8
> * my Debian ivyplusplus has:
>     -target 1.7 -g:none -source 1.7
> I'm currently building with openjdk-7, hence that difference, but it
> still should generate .class files, or at least throw an error or warning.
> Here's the build log using my ivyplusplus package:

Just a wild guess. You could try to build the package by using the
official ivyplusplus to rule out any packaging mistakes in the Debian
version. I would also enforce the UTF-8 encoding because we had some
weird packaging mistakes in the past like empty -doc packages due to
wrong encoding. Perhaps openjdk-8 makes a difference?



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