Re: Trying to free f2c
Hi again,
On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 01:44:14PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> >
> > I got a quick look and you might be right, the goto_trans stuff seems
> > optional. What happens if you don't install javab in the f2j package?
> I did a quick test with a local build. I can easily build
> libnetlib-java_0.9.3 fith f2c without the javab executable. I have no
> idea how to do proper performance tests, thought. I have no idea
> whether javab is used in the build process at all - may be I should
> do some investigation of access timestamp.
> In case your insight says that javab is not needed I'd consider the
> following procedure:
> 1. I create a tarball without non-free code
> (there is one other remaining file but[1]
> does not sound as if could not be replaced by something else)
> 2. Move this to pkg-java Git and create a package from this.
I implemented the plan in pkg-java git. The only problem to build the
package is the now missing[1] which now leads to
/usr/bin/javac -source 1.2 -target 1.2 -d obj org/j_paine/formatter/*.java
warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.2
org/j_paine/formatter/ error: cannot find symbol
s = new PrintfFormat(fmtstr).sprintf(o);
symbol: class PrintfFormat
location: class FormatI
org/j_paine/formatter/ error: cannot find symbol
s = new PrintfFormat(fmtstr).sprintf(o);
symbol: class PrintfFormat
location: class FormatF
org/j_paine/formatter/ error: cannot find symbol
s = new PrintfFormat(fmtstr).sprintf(o);
symbol: class PrintfFormat
location: class FormatE
3 errors
1 warning
Makefile:11: recipe for target 'f2jutil.jar' failed
I wonder whether some Java programmer could provide some simple
replacement. If this would be provided I'd upload to experimental first
and let follow the whole chain of dependencies as well to experimental.
The final consumer of all the mess will be the beast-mcmc package and
this one has performance tests that we could run to get a final decision.
Kind regards
> [1]
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