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Re: Need help to upgrade libmtj-java package

Le 28/01/2016 21:40, Andreas Tille a écrit :

> Since these are only warnings I wonder whether these are needed at all.

You can ignore them. The deploy plugin is for uploading the jars to a
Maven repository, and the site plugin generates a web site with various
reports. We don't use them when building Debian packages.

> There are also warnings about missing plugins:
>    coveralls-maven-plugin
>    maven-java-formatter-plugin

You can ignore them too (code coverage and code formatting).

> which we do not have in Debian (as far as I can see).  Regarding further
> warnings:
>  [WARNING] The POM for com.github.fommil.netlib:all:pom:debian is missing, no dependency information available

perf/pom.xml depends on the 'all' module which isn't referenced in
debian/libnetlib-java.poms. Just ignore the perf module.

> Well, when finalising libnetlib-java I intend to add a working maven
> control file.
>  [WARNING] The POM for org.projectlombok:lombok:jar:debian is missing, no dependency information available
> No idea what this means and if this is really needed.

liblombok-java is missing Maven artifacts in /usr/share/maven-repo

>  [WARNING] The POM for com.github.fommil:java-logging:jar:debian is missing, no dependency information available
> Same here: No idea what this means and if this is really needed.   

Used by the perf module only, ignore it.

Emmanuel Bourg

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