debian-hurd Feb 2005 by thread
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tcpdump-3.8.3 Barry deFreese
putty-0.56 Barry deFreese
alioth patch tracker and task manager enabled Michael Banck
[ pkg-hurd-Patches-301178 ] FTBFS tcpdump-3.8.3 noreply
[ pkg-hurd-Patches-301183 ] FTBFS and Debian issues - qt-x11-free-3.3.3 noreply
[ pkg-hurd-Patches-301184 ] FTBFS - nas-1.7 noreply
[ pkg-hurd-Patches-301186 ] FTBFS - openldap2 noreply
Старые кинопленки? Guelph D. Boardwalks
[ pkg-hurd-Patches-301174 ] openssh port fowarding noreply
Debian bug tracker thingy... Alfred M. Szmidt
gnome-libs-1.4.2 Barry deFreese
Xchat ? Victor STINNER
[ pkg-hurd-Patches-301205 ] Xchat noreply
[ pkg-hurd-Patches-301172 ] #218624: krb4 noreply
get your gpg key signed at FOSDEM Michael Banck
Hey, Mrs.Kim
[ pkg-hurd-Patches-301211 ] #296115: ifupdown noreply
shared IRQs, boot fails Andreas B. Mundt
console ?? I surrender John Carline
[ pkg-hurd-Patches-301219 ] FTBFS - openssh-3.8.1p1 noreply
GNUAB server down due to hardware problems Guillem Jover
Message incompatible avec le système de messagerie Service de messagerie
[ pkg-hurd-Patches-301223 ] glib2.0 noreply
[ pkg-hurd-Patches-301223 ] #296774: glib2.0 noreply
'3c905b cyclone 100baseTx' was not assigned an IRQ Gijs Molenaar
Processing of hurd_20050119-1_hurd-i386.changes Archive Administrator
Bug#151407: marked as done (hurd: mount can't parse dselect command) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#184344: marked as done (extern inlines in libpthread are not ansi compliant) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#291307: marked as done (hurd-dev: libpthread.a is not a linker script) Debian Bug Tracking System
hurd override disparity Debian Installer
hurd_20050119-1_hurd-i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
The last update was on 06:07 GMT Sun Jul 14. There are 140 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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