debian-doc Jul 2019 by thread
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Re: Bug#931375: unblock: calamares-settings-debian/10.0.24-1 Paul Gevers
Bug#931388: marked as done (gnome-disk-utility: disk content permanently lost when changing LUKS password) Debian Bug Tracking System
release-notes? Was: Re: kbdnames are generated with incorrect translations Paul Gevers
Bug#931428: release-notes: Mention FDE security issue when installing with Calamares (CVE-2019-13179) jonathan
Bug#931429: release-notes: document new additional installer for Debian live systems jonathan
ddp build failed Debian Webmaster
Bug#931459: release-notes: Release notes: mention re-introduction of the standard live image jonathan
Bug#931559: release-notes: inaccurately claims 'apt upgrade' doesn't install new packages Andrei POPESCU
Bug#612993: Info received (BYHAND rules for debian-faq / Re: Bug#612993: Converted debian-faq to DocBook) Debian Bug Tracking System
release-notes: two merge requests submitted Andrei POPESCU
Bug#931637: Slight inaccuracy in explanation of "apt upgrade" Ben Harris
Processed (with 1 error): Re: Bug#931637: Slight inaccuracy in explanation of "apt upgrade" Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Re: Bug#931637: Slight inaccuracy in explanation of "apt upgrade" Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: BYHAND rules for debian-faq / Re: Bug#612993: Converted debian-faq to DocBook Javier Fernandez-Sanguino
Bug#931667: release-notes: Postfix version in 10 (buster) Rob
Re: Bug#612993: Converted debian-faq to DocBook Joost van Baal-Ilić
X Resources for emacs Bob Bernstein
Bug#931785: release-notes: bullseye: security suite renamed to bullseye-security (from buster/updates) Ansgar Burchardt
Bug#931992: Please provide manpages also for oldstable Andrei POPESCU
Bug#932101: release-notes: S3QL unable to resolve hostname due to S3 URL format change Shannon Dealy
Cote em todas as seguradoras e ECONOMIZE. Faca sua cotação de AUTO em 1 minuto. Seguro Auto
Bug#932173: release-notes: grep should be egrep in section 4.6.1 for buster Stefan Kangas
O melhor seguro de saúde com as melhores condições, inclusive com as novas coberturas. Planos de Saúde
Bug#932580: Fwd: file(1) now with seccomp support enabled Paul Gevers
Bug#932623: release note should include an example deb line for security Marc Haber
Bug#932853: please someone "git checkout -b bullseye && git push" Tomas Pospisek
Bug#932905: release-notes: German translation of stretch 9.9 release notes is misleading Mike Grunweg
Bug#933101: buster: baseline for armel raised to ARMv5T Andrei POPESCU
RFC Debian Buster Release notes documentation : Power-saving regulations Rémi Rouaud
Bug#933570: gnt-cluster manpage not found Antoine Beaupre
The last update was on 16:40 GMT Wed Jul 31. There are 105 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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