debian-devel-games Jan 2012 by thread
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Re: Re: retiring from the games team Jon Dowland
Re: 1 year release good enough. Paul Wise
can somebody do a nmu of freedroidrpg 0.15 shirish शिरीष
Re: Re-review request/RFS for current packaging of Red Eclipse Martin Erik Werner
Re: Requesting removal of bzflag Arno Töll
RFS: qmc2 Marcelo Bossoni
Re: RFS: cavez of phear (console game) Jakub Wilk
RFS: koules, xmoto and nestopia Stephen Kitt
Best practices for OpenGL ES Tobias Hansen
RFS: oss-compat (RC bug fix) Stephen Kitt rankings Sherri McCormack | TwinLinks
RFS: WorldForge base packageset Stephen M. Webb
Speed Dreams package? Sergio
RFS: manaplus andrei karas
RFP: desurium -- Desura is a gaming client that allows a user to one click download and install games and game modification. Roman V. Nikolaev
Re: New round of IRC sessions: call for proposals Paul Wise
Re: debshots: browse/search by section or debtags prefix? Paul Wise
New pangzero version available - going to break current one with new SDL-perl Dominique Dumont
The last update was on 19:19 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 60 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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