debian-cloud Feb 2019 by thread
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Cleaning up members of salsa group Bastian Blank
Cloud builder on casulana.d.o fixed Bastian Blank
FAI 5.8.1 changes handling of fcopy modes Thomas Lange
Re: Any plans for AWS ARM image? Noah Meyerhans
Bug#915127: marked as done ( Please add AWS image for new ARM instances) Debian Bug Tracking System
Azure Debian image updates Andrés Bono Jiménez
Fixes for cloud-init in Debian Stretch Konstantin
We ship the good product to your door Stacy
Debian now properly available on Azure Government Cloud Bastian Blank
Expiration of Jessie and Stretch repo on trafficmanager (Azure mirror) Guillaume Bienkowski
The last update was on 06:13 GMT Mon Jun 10. There are 66 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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