debian-amd64 Sep 2009 by subject
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any objections from port maintainers to make gcc-4.4 the default?
apt: cron.daily necessary?
Does anyone have older amd64 versions of fglrx-* packages?
GPGPU computing
ia32-aptitude vs. aptitude
libc6 and X11 seem not to work together
looking for kernel-maintainer
Looking for pyqt
LVM2 raid1 without mdadm - Break the mirror and re-synchronize it back the other way around.
Opera 10
Problem with my HDD and FS's after upgrade and cloning the HDD
Skype 2.1 with ia32-libs Was: ia32-aptitude vs. aptitude
Re: Updating system with ia32-apt-get
Vista+Debian dual boot
Viziteaza profilul meu Netlog
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