Skype 2.1 with ia32-libs Was: ia32-aptitude vs. aptitude
On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 18:30, Dave Witbrodt <> wrote:
> For now, the officially supported solution is 'ia32-libs' again. The
> officially-supported multiarch solution is on the way relatively soon, so
> you'll have to decide whether to keep Goswin's no-longer-official packages
> until it arrives, or remove Goswin's packages and go back to 'ia32-libs'.
Well. I went back to ia32-libs and ia32-libs-gtk and I have to
download the Ubuntu AMD64 version from Skype again so I can install it
without having to force it to do it by using the i386 version. But, I
founded that the new Skype version doesn't work with the ia32-libs
official package from Debian repositories unless you delete some files
from /usr/lib32 as suggested on the post referenced on bug #546281.
This is just to let others knows if they have the same problem than me :-)
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