debconf-announce Jul 2009 by subject
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Re: [Debconf-announce] [Debconf-discuss] ISS greets DebConf
Re: [Debconf-announce] Visit to the Old Town of Cáceres
[Debconf-announce] 2nd visit Old Town Wednesday 29
[Debconf-announce] 2nd Visit to Old Town
[Debconf-announce] Electronic music festival in Cáceres
[Debconf-announce] ISS greets DebConf
[Debconf-announce] someone's missing a watch?
[Debconf-announce] This night start a electronic festival at old town in Cáceres
[Debconf-announce] Visit to the Old Town of Cáceres
Re: [Debconf-announce] [Debconf-discuss] 2nd visit Old Town Wednesday 29
Re: [Debconf-announce] [Debconf-team] Food tickets for non-sponsored
[Debconf-announce] About Day Trip
[Debconf-announce] Accessibility and Debian, today at 5pm / 17:00
[Debconf-announce] Assassins
[Debconf-announce] Badges are at the front desk
[Debconf-announce] Beware of the piggy-flu
[Debconf-announce] Camera found
[Debconf-announce] Certificates of Attendance available at the Help Desk
[Debconf-announce] Cheese and Wine party preparation meeting: planned today 17:00
[Debconf-announce] Conference dinner tonight
[Debconf-announce] Corporates/professionals don't have to buy food tickets
[Debconf-announce] Day Trip Wiki Page
[Debconf-announce] Day trip: people that will not go
[Debconf-announce] DebCofn Assassins game
[Debconf-announce] DebConf Travel Reimbursements
[Debconf-announce] DebConf9 Welcome Page
[Debconf-announce] Debian wine
[Debconf-announce] food tickets always in Frontdesk, including to buy daily before lunch and dinner
[Debconf-announce] Food tickets for arrival days
[Debconf-announce] Food tickets for non-sponsored
[Debconf-announce] Football/soccer match: day 3 (2009-07-26) 23:59 hs
[Debconf-announce] formal dinner & group photo
[Debconf-announce] Found a watch!
[Debconf-announce] Group photo - today!
[Debconf-announce] Kernel BoF, 25th July
[Debconf-announce] lost+found
[Debconf-announce] NM AM FD DAM BOF
[Debconf-announce] OpenMoko phones at DebConf9
[Debconf-announce] People with cars
[Debconf-announce] Please everybody do screenshots
[Debconf-announce] Please return your room keys before you leave DebConf9
[Debconf-announce] Speakers with audio requirements
[Debconf-announce] Switching nametags
[Debconf-announce] The now traditional Cheese and Wine party (formal announcement)
Re: [Debconf-announce] The now traditional Cheese and Wine party (formal announcement)
[Debconf-announce] this nigt at 22:45 Flamenco show in the garden of MT
[Debconf-announce] Tomorrow morning the breaksfast star at 9.30
[Debconf-announce] video volunteer meeting today, 15:30
[Debconf-announce] Water for talks in frontdesk, ask it please
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