[Debconf-announce] ISS greets DebConf
The (hopefully) cloudless Spanish sky offers good conditions for
nightly observations. In the next few days there are two nice passes by
of the International Space Station:
Date Mag Starts Alt. Az. Max. Alt. Az. Ends Alt. Az.
23 Jul -3.1 23:13:28 10 NW 23:16:22 62 NE 23:17:15 38 E
25 Jul -3.2 22:27:42 10 NW 22:30:38 66 NE 22:33:07 13 ESE
A magnitud of -3.1 is very bright and can easily be observed by the
naked eye. There will be also a strong Iridium flare:
Date Time Mag Alt. Az. Satellite
25 Jul 00:32:53 -6 15° 42° (NE ) Iridium 84
And for those who go late to bed there will be even one with mag -7:
24 Jul 05:02:57 -7 26° 122° (ESE) Iridium 21
(All data taken from heavens-above.com.)
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