Hola Todos! The DebConf9 Welcome page should be the starting place to go for all of your basic onformation needs. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/Welcome I'll reproduce the current content here, but I hope that those of you who are here, or who are arriving soon will find this useful. Accommodation ============= The are two residences for the sponsored accommodation: * MT: Residencia Universitaria "Diego Muñoz Torrero" (140 beds, open 24 hours) * FdS: Colegio Mayor "Francisco de Sande" (70 beds, open 24 hours) A few notes regarding the rooms: * Rooms have towels and blankets. * A set of, small, packages of soap and shampoo is provided each week, so you should probably either buy or bring some * Clean-up, including linen and towels, is done once a week (during weekends), you should take care of the room yourself during the rest of the time. * Always lock your door when you leave your room (do not just close it). * Keep your window and shutter closed during the day (for the heat). For any question/problem with the accommodation, contact the front desk. For more on accommodation, see DebConf9/Accommodation. Meals ===== Meals are served in the Dining Room. To get there turn right after coming in the front door, follow the corridor to the end, and the Dining room is behind any of the 3 doors in front of you (the larger door to the right is normally open) * Breakfast starts at 08h30 (You must have finished by 10h00). * Lunch starts at 14h00 (You must have finished by 15h30). * Dinner starts at 21h30 (You must have finished by 22h30). During DebConf, non-sponsored people need to buy a ticket for €15/day (one lunch and one dinner) to be used the next day after buying it. Tickets can be bought at the FrontDesk before 2pm. Coffee, tea, water ================== * Coffee and tea water is available during most of the day. Biscuits provided at 12h00 and 18h00. * A water fountain is located near vending machines, close to the lower talk room. Laundry ======= The laundry is in the basement. The token for the washing machine (1.2€) must be purchased in the machine near the front desk, soap and softener are not provided, the dryer is free. In order to make it easier for everyone, there's a coordination page to buy the softener and soap in groups (which is cheaper), see DebConf9/LaundryCoordination. Smoking ======= Smoking is not allowed inside most buildings (some restaurants do allow, but you can *not* in the venue). It is currently tolerated outside the buildings if you do not throw your cigarette ends away. So please keep them with you and if you find one on the floor, pick it up even if it's not yours. Planning / Schedule =================== * 2009-07-16 - DebCamp starts * 2009-07-23 - DebConf arrival day (Thursday) * 2009-07-24 - DebConf day 1 / Open Day (Friday) * 2009-07-25 - DebConf day 2 / Cheese & Wine Party (Saturday) * 2009-07-26 - DebConf day 3 (Sunday) * 2009-07-27 - DebConf day 4 / Day Trip (Monday) * 2009-07-28 - DebConf day 5 / Conference dinner (Tuesday) * 2009-07-29 - DebConf day 6 / Key Signing Party (Wednesday) * 2009-07-30 - DebConf day 7 / Last day (Friday) Talks ===== The talks are listed on Penta ( https://penta.debconf.org/dc9_schedule/ ). The four rooms are: * Upper talkroom (first floor, at the end of the corridor) * Lower talkroom (ground-floor, door next to the vending machines -- near the dining room and the stairs) * Garden / Patio - no video (outside, to the left when you go out). * BOF room - no video (WHERE?) The streams and IRC chanels are listed on DebConf9/Streams Networking and local resources ============================== * There are two wifi networks (and almost no wired network. The hacklabs have outlets and will also have switches, but that's it): * "debconf" * "debconf_wpa" (password is debconf9) * If you are interested on technical information then have a look at DebConf9/LAN. * The smtp server is "homer" (aka * A ftp/http proxy is available on homer:3128 * The local archive mirror can be accessed by using any of the "normal" mirror domain names (try $ host your.mirror.tld if unsure, it should resolve to a 10.something address) * Join IRC #debconf @ OFTC (irc.oftc.net) * Join the Debconf-announce and Debconf-discuss Mailing lists ( http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/ ) * A printer is available at the orga room (more on DebConf9/Printing ) * Local upload queue available on homer, cd into pub/UploadQueue * Also on homer: open ftp in pub/p0rn for a general "we want to share this quickly" thing * You can follow the schedule at http://homer/cgi-bin/announce.cgi The official homepage is http://debconf9.debconf.org Hacklab ======= The two hacklabs are on the first floor (open 24/7). Several of the power sockets around the walls in each room incorporate a network socket (it will be numbered) -- they are active and on our network. These have a cover that needs to be lifted to expose the RJ45 socket -- it requires no force, so if you find that you do not know the technique, don't just push harder, ask someone else. City ==== The residence is very near the heart of the city and it is near a nice park. There is a map of the city in the entrance. Various shops are near the hotel (go to the left when you leave the "MT" residence). Remember, the conference is held at Residencia Universitaria "Diego Muñoz Torrero"; Ronda de San Francisco, 2 ; 10002-Cáceres. See the following pages for more information about the city: * DebConf9/Cáceres * DebConf9/Markets * DebConf9/Swimming Miscellanea =========== * Lost+found : Lost and found objects should be reported to the Front desk. * Local contacts : +34 927 006 888 Any other question? Ask on the IRC channel or at the front desk. Regards, Andrew McMillan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com +64(272)DEBIAN You tread upon my patience. -- William Shakespeare, "Henry IV" ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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