Re: [Debconf-announce] DebConf Travel Reimbursements
Michael Schultheiss wrote:
> If you have been granted travel sponsorship for DebConf 9, please fill
> out the appropriate form from
> (if you're wanting a
> bank transfer in EUR, you should fill out the ffis form, otherwise you
> should fill out the SPI form) and give me the form and documentation of
> your expenses (travel receipts) sometime during Debconf. I'm leaving
> Cáceres at 1602 on 2009-07-30. I will be at the help desk periodically
> throughout the conference and can be reached via e-mail or IRC (schultmc
> on in #debconf).
If you're being reimbursed from Google Summer of Code funds, please fill
out the SPI form regardless.
Michael Schultheiss
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