Hello, The NM AM FD DAM BOF is now officially scheduled: NM AM FD DAM BOF In the BOF room On Sunday the 26th of July From 16:00 to 17:00 The aim of the BOF is to have a discussion between the people that are currently involved in the NM process. It is a BOF about current practices, it is NOT a BOF about redesigning the NM process. The main goal of the BOF is to come out with a set of messages to the rest of Debian, to deliver during one slot of the lightning talks session. Another goal of the BOF is to see how other AMs do AMing and steal good ideas. There may be more goals. The BOF should ideally be restricted to recent NM applicants, AMs, FDs and DAMs. I do not want to keep out other people if they are interested (especially, for example, people who are interested in becoming AMs), but what I would like is: - that those who talk during the BOF have fresh, direct, first-hand personal experience with the process; - that, if needed, examples could be discussed with some feeling of confidentiality and without feeling like being on a stage. For this last reason, the BOF will not be recorded on video, nor streamed. Important outcomes of the BOF will be communicated during the lightning talk, so you do not need to attend to hear the important stuff. Ciao, Enrico -- GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.org>
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