[Debconf-announce] The now traditional Cheese and Wine party (formal announcement)
(already announced in -discuss, but let's make this more formal)
No Debconf without Cheese and Wine party, that's at least true
since Debconf 5 in Helsinki.
So, DC9 will not be an exception and we will again have a C&W party.
Practical information is available at
The event is officially scheduled for
Saturday July 25th, 21:30 local time. We will move it to 23:00 in
order to avoid collision with the dinner.
Of course, that will, as usual, require participation by attendees,
particularly the French gang, to bring enough material for it.
The principle is easy: attendees do their best to bring *good* cheese
and|or *good* wine or liquors from their own place and we all share
this in the best suitable place we can find for this. Good (and
typical) food is also welcomed, of course, but keep in mind that cheese
is meant to be the main topic and, being Debian, we focus on quality.
If you can't bring anything....you're still highly welcome. We need
many people to come and be sure that nothing is left at the end.
Let's again make it one of the great moments of Debconf...
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