debian-wnpp Nov 2018 by subject

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[bts-link] source package wnpp Bug#206536: RE, Bug#365427: Autotests for apt-build utility Bug#442913: marked as done (ITP: pcc -- Portable C Compiler) Bug#467274: marked as done (ITP: pcc -- Portable C Compiler) Bug#501264: marked as done (ITP: adms -- An automatic device model synthesizer) Bug#523834: marked as done (ITP: naev -- 2d action/rpg space game) Bug#533450: I will be waiting to hear from you, Bug#544056: marked as done (O: bglibs -- BG Libraries Collection) Bug#560088: marked as done (ITP: python-portio -- low level port I/O for Linux) Bug#597899: Please do confirm Bug#597899: RE Bug#607322: marked as done (O: crossroads -- open source load balance and fail over utility for TCP based services) Bug#609295: marked as done (ITP: naev -- 2d action/rpg space game) Bug#619826: marked as done (ITP: grub-customizer -- GUI to configure GRUB2 and BURG) Bug#658720: marked as done (RFP: phpvirtualbox -- AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface) Bug#664784: marked as done (RFP: sandbox -- A helper utility to run programs in a sandboxed environment) Bug#688532: marked as done (O: sane-backends-extras -- API library for scanners -- documentation and support files) Bug#688586: marked as done (RFP: genivi-dlt -- Diagnostic Log and Trace) Bug#688896: This is a bad idea Bug#694077: ITP: qlcplus -- application for controlling DMX or analog lighting systems Bug#715470: RFP: cr3 -- Cool Reader 3, an e-book reader Bug#724643: marked as done (RFP: rippled -- Ripple peer-to-peer network daemon) Bug#724659: marked as done (RFP: xul-ext-firefox-os-simulator -- Firefox OS Simulator is a test environment for Firefox OS.) Bug#725038: marked as done (RFP: ungit -- A Clean and intuitive UI that makes it easy to understand git) Bug#725481: marked as done (RFP: filemanager-avs -- a little application which uses the ClamAV library to scan files for viruses) Bug#725794: marked as done (RFP: libjs-jsgantt -- gantt chart component built in Javascript, CSS and AJAX) Bug#732011: O: gyrus -- GNOME tool for Cyrus-IMAP servers administration Bug#738447: marked as done (O: luakit -- A fast and small web browser extensible by Lua) Bug#739293: update on obstacles Bug#739816: marked as done (O: mailping -- monitor email service availability and functioning) Bug#744376: marked as done (ITP: grub-customizer -- GUI to configure GRUB2 and BURG) Bug#745170: marked as done (ITA: vgabios -- VGA BIOS software for the Bochs emulated VGA card) Bug#752018: ITP: wildfly -- a JEE application server Bug#754129: Lutris package Bug#767013: Attention Bug#768221: marked as done (O: grub-choose-default -- Control Grub Default through a GUI) Bug#772588: marked as done (ITP: x13as -- seasonal adjustment software for modeling time series) Bug#772588: RFP: x-13arima-seats -- Seasonal adjustment software for modelling time series Bug#788040: marked as done (ITP: qtox -- powerful Tox client that follows the Tox) Bug#792380: marked as done (ITP: chkboot -- a tool to help detect changes to an unencrypted /boot partition) Bug#793057: marked as done (ITP: godot -- open source MIT licensed game engine) Bug#798155: marked as done (ITP: python-vlc -- Python bindings for VLC) Bug#798445: marked as done (O: spice-xpi -- XPI client for interacting with SPICE servers) Bug#799759: marked as done (RFH: freerdp -- RDP client for Windows Terminal Services (X11 client)) Bug#804612: marked as done (ITP: tensorflow -- Library for numerical computation using data flow graphs) Bug#810482: marked as done (ITP: rtags -- C/C++ client/server indexer with integration for Emacs) Bug#811377: marked as done (RFA: sysvinit -- System-V-like init utilities - transitional package) Bug#813745: marked as done (RFA: consolekit -- framework for defining and tracking users, sessions and seats) Bug#819589: marked as done (RFP: python3-aioxmpp -- pure-python XMPP library using the asyncio standard library module) Bug#821397: ITP: sway -- i3-compatible Wayland compositor Bug#825705: marked as done (ITA: hgsubversion -- Subversion client as Mercurial extension) Bug#825851: marked as done (RFP: meteo-qt -- Application to display weather information) Bug#829257: marked as done (ITP: ndctl -- NVDIMM management utility) Bug#829561: marked as done (ITP: syncthing-gtk - GTK3 & python based GUI for Syncthing) Bug#830109: marked as done (ITP: openems -- Electromagnetic field solver using the) Bug#831388: RFH: dee -- model to synchronize mutiple instances over DBus Bug#831389: Asking for help instead of Orphaning! Bug#834283: marked as done (RFA: startpar -- run processes in parallel and multiplex their output) Bug#835854: spaCy: Create repository, merge bugs Bug#838356: fixed in jboss-annotations-1.2-api 1.0.0-1 Bug#838356: marked as done (RFP: jboss-annotations-1.2-api) Bug#838609: marked as done (RFP: libwebservice-ils-perl -- Perl library to create standardised interface for online (physical) library services providers) Bug#840742: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-kardianos-service -- Run go programs as a service on major platforms) Bug#842943: RFP: signal-desktop -- standalone JS desktop client for Signal Messenger Bug#842943: signap-desktop now built with electron Bug#843021: yarnpkg 1.12.3 is out, here is an update on how far are we from packaging it Bug#843902: marked as done (RFP: python-myhdl -- Hardware description generating framework) Bug#847613: TAG: nextcloud-client -- desktop client for nextcloud Bug#849267: marked as done (ITP: mate-equake-applet -- Mate panel applet which monitors earthquakes) Bug#850587: marked as done (ITP: cohomcalg -- sheaf cohomology of line bundles on toric varieties) Bug#851780: marked as done (RFP: libinfluxdb-lineprotocol-perl -- write and read InfluxDB LineProtocol) Bug#855089: marked as done (RFP: ttygif -- generate gif animations from terminal recordings) Bug#855305: marked as done (ITP: scala-tools-sbinary -- Scala mapping library for binary types) Bug#855563: RE, Bug#856737: marked as done (O: npapi-sdk -- NPAPI headers bundle for building plugins) Bug#858606: marked as done (ITP: k2pdfopt -- PDF Reflow tool) Bug#859030: marked as done (ITP: rtags -- C/C++ client/server indexer with integration for Emacs) Bug#864079: ITP: backuppc-rsync -- rsync optimised for BackupPC backup utility Bug#865849: marked as done (ITP: node-schema-utils -- Webpack Schema Validation Utilities) Bug#866814: marked as done (RFA: memcachedb -- Persistent storage engine using the memcache protocol) Bug#866939: marked as done (O: jailtool -- tool to build chroot-jails for daemons) Bug#872622: marked as done (ITP: bandage -- Bioinformatics Application for Navigating De novo Assembly Graphs Easily) Bug#873464: marked as done (ITP: libqt5serialbus -- Qt 5 Support for CAN and potentially other serial buses.) Bug#876267: marked as done (ITP: node-compression-webpack-plugin -- Prepare compressed versions of assets) Bug#876371: marked as done (O: pirl -- PIRL Java Packages) Bug#877913: ITA: easy-rsa -- Simple shell based CA utility Bug#877913: marked as done (ITA: easy-rsa -- Simple shell based CA utility) Bug#879481: marked as done (ITP: node-copy-webpack-plugin -- Copy files and directories in webpack) Bug#880056: marked as done (ITP: node-unique-slug -- Generate a unique character string suitible for use in files and URLs) Bug#880132: marked as done (ITP: kconfig-frontends -- Standalone implementation of the Linux Kconfig parser and frontend) Bug#880586: marked as done (ITP: node-postcss-modules-extract-imports -- CSS Modules transform to extract local aliases for inline imports) Bug#880994: marked as done (ITP: qiskit -- Quantum information software kit) Bug#881158: marked as done (ITP: node-configstore -- load and save config without having to think about where and how) Bug#881620: ITP: arm-trusted-firmware -- reference implementation of secure world software for ARMv8-A Bug#881620: marked as done (ITP: arm-trusted-firmware -- reference implementation of secure world software for ARMv8-A) Bug#881896: marked as done (ITP: src -- Simple Revision Control, single-file and single-user version tracking) Bug#881896: RFP: src -- Simple Revision Control, single-file and single-user version tracking Bug#882661: ITP: nplan -- YAML-based network configuration tool Bug#883412: marked as done (ITP: qtnetworkauth-opensource-src -- Network Authenticator module for Qt) Bug#883474: marked as done (ITP: gnome-shell-extension-kimpanel -- KDE's kimpanel implementation for GNOME Shell) Bug#885089: marked as done (O: libjs-swfupload -- javascript library to use Flash's upload functionality) Bug#885090: marked as done (O: libjs-swfobject -- tool to embed Flash content into webpages) Bug#885722: ITP: node-event-stream -- a toolkit for easy creation and use of Node.JS streams Bug#885848: marked as done (ITP: node-simplestatemanager -- Lightweight state manager for responsive websites) Bug#885897: marked as done (ITP: node-jquery-backstretch -- jQuery background image plugin) Bug#885972: marked as done (ITP: node-opentip -- JavaScript tooltip class) Bug#885986: marked as done (ITP: node-knockout-sortable -- JQuery-UI "sortable" binding for knockout) Bug#886092: marked as done (ITP: node-knockout-transformations -- Live transform methods for Knockout observable arrays) Bug#886097: marked as done (ITP: node-progressjs -- JavaScript progress bar library) Bug#886404: marked as done (ITP: node-rollup-plugin-babel -- Seamless integration between Rollup and Babel) Bug#886819: marked as done (ITP: aims-live -- Live media package for AIMS Desktop) Bug#886821: marked as done (ITP: aims-desktop -- AIMS Desktop main meta-package) Bug#886824: marked as done (ITP: aims-artwork -- wallpapers, icons and other assets used in AIMS Desktop) Bug#886849: marked as done (ITP: node-puka -- Safely pass strings through shells - Node.js module) Bug#886883: marked as done (ITP: clazy -- Qt oriented code checker based on clang framework) Bug#887490: marked as done (ITA: backuppc -- high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up PCs) Bug#887491: marked as done (ITA: libbackuppc-xs-perl -- BackupPC::XS implements various BackupPC functions in a perl-callable module) Bug#887565: marked as done (ITP: python-vlc -- Python bindings for VLC) Bug#887565: RFS: python-vlc/3.0.102-1 [ITP] Bug#887747: marked as done (ITP: gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast -- video recording extension for the GNOME shell) Bug#887809: Info received (Bug#887809: RFP: borgmatic -- A wrapper script for Borg backup software that creates and prunes backups) Bug#888008: marked as done (ITP: node-rollup-plugin-alias -- Resolves aliases with Rollup) Bug#888279: marked as done (ITP: node-css-loader -- css loader module for webpack) Bug#888293: marked as done (ITP: node-css-selector-tokenizer -- Parses and stringifies CSS selectors) Bug#888400: RFA: python-cassandra-driver Bug#888576: marked as done (ITP: coda -- Library for the Common Data Access framework for Earth science file formats) Bug#888705: ITP: abseil -- Collection of C++ code (compliant to C++11) designed to augment the C++ standard library Bug#889041: marked as done (ITP: tryton-modules-notification-email -- E-Mail Notification Module for the Tryton Application Platform) Bug#889075: marked as done (ITP: qt5-engines-kvantum -- SVG-based theme engine for Qt5) Bug#889082: marked as done (RFA: python-adal -- Azure Active Directory Authentication Library for Python 2.x) Bug#889084: marked as done (RFA: python-azure -- Microsoft Azure SDK for Python 2.x) Bug#889085: marked as done (RFA: python-azure-devtools -- Microsoft Azure Development Tools for Python 2.x) Bug#889775: marked as done (ITA: pyacoustid -- Acoustid interface implementation and Chromaprint bindings) Bug#890021: marked as done (ITP: node-babel-plugin-transform-builtin-extend -- extend from builtin types) Bug#890037: marked as done (ITP: node-es6-error -- Easily-extendable error for use with ES6 classes) Bug#890240: marked as done (RFP: librdf-trine-serializer-rdfa-perl -- RDFa Serializer for RDF::Trine) Bug#890241: marked as done (RFP: libatteanx-serializer-rdfa-perl -- RDFa Serializer for Attean) Bug#890244: marked as done (RFP: librdf-trinex-compatibility-attean-perl -- Compatibility layer between Attean and RDF::Trine) Bug#890258: marked as done (ITP: quark -- An extremely small and simple HTTP GET-only web server) Bug#890541: launchpad newer versions Bug#890983: marked as done (ITP: continuity -- A transport-agnostic, filesystem metadata manifest system) Bug#891500: marked as done (O: t38modem -- T.38 Fax over IP pseudo modem) Bug#891534: marked as done (RFA: ptlib -- Portable Tools Library) Bug#891535: marked as done (RFA: opal -- Portable Tools Library) Bug#891536: marked as done (RFA: ekiga -- H.323 and SIP compatible VoIP client) Bug#891816: marked as done (ITP: node-prismjs -- Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting) Bug#891859: marked as done (RFP: webext-umatrix -- A point-and-click privacy-enhancing in-browser firewall) Bug#891895: marked as done (ITP: node-neo-async -- faster replacement for Async) Bug#892022: marked as done (ITP: node-catty -- source file concatenator for Mapshaper) Bug#892287: marked as done (ITP: python3-aioopenssl -- OpenSSL transport for asyncio) Bug#892313: marked as done (O: bum -- graphical runlevel editor) Bug#893709: marked as done (ITP: node-extract-text-webpack-plugin -- Extract text from bundle into a file) Bug#893993: marked as done (ITP: anorack -- spell-checker that finds incorrect indefinite articles) Bug#894026: ITP: adapta-gtk-theme -- An adaptive Gtk+ theme based on Bug#894382: marked as done (ITP: arduino-builder -- A command line tool for compiling Arduino sketches) Bug#894411: marked as done (ITP: mkl-dnn/0.13 -- Intel(R) Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks (Intel(R) MKL-DNN)) Bug#894814: marked as done (ITP: multimon-ng -- digital radio transmission decoder) Bug#895013: marked as done (ITP: ndcube -- base package for multi-dimensional contiguious and non-contiguious coordinate aware arrays) Bug#895139: marked as done (ITP: node-babel-plugin-array-includes -- Babel plugin to replace the array includes syntax) Bug#895559: marked as done (ITP: json-editor.js -- JSON Schema based editor) Bug#896130: RFP: vim-julia -- Vim plugin for Julia support Bug#896475: marked as done (ITP: mapsforge -- vector map library and writer) Bug#897023: [Pkg-javascript-devel] RFS: node-tar-fs Bug#897023: RFS: node-tar-fs Bug#897158: marked as done (ITP: node-nodedbi -- libdbi interface for Node.js) Bug#898202: Current state Bug#898202: mp3gain Bug#898301: marked as done (ITP: openjazz -- a free, open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit™ games) Bug#898506: marked as done (ITP: galois -- falling blocks game with many different game modes) Bug#898541: marked as done (O: cortina -- Wallpaper changer for gnome) Bug#898900: marked as done (ITP: libnet-oauth2-authorizationserver-perl -- Easier implementation of an OAuth2 Authorization Server) Bug#899051: marked as done (ITP: r-bioc-seqlogo -- GNU R sequence logos for DNA sequence alignments) Bug#899052: marked as done (ITP: r-bioc-seqlogo -- GNU R sequence logos for DNA sequence alignments) Bug#899058: Raspbian build? Bug#899273: marked as done (ITP: fonts-ibm-plex -- IBM's corporate typeface) Bug#900296: marked as done (ITP: trio -- Async/await-native Python3 I/O library for humans and snake people) Bug#900417: marked as done (ITP: r-bioc-tfbstools -- GNU R Transcription Factor Binding Site (TFBS) Analysis) Bug#900575: marked as done (ITP: libminini -- minimal INI file parser) Bug#900768: marked as done (ITP: pcc-libs -- lib for pcc) Bug#900881: marked as done (ITP: gokey -- simple vaultless password manager in Go) Bug#900958: ITP: barebox-host-tools -- useful development tools from the barebox source tree Bug#901165: marked as done (ITP: mkdocs-nature -- Nature theme from Sphinx adapted for MkDocs) Bug#901514: marked as done (ITP: opa-ff -- Tools to manage an Omni-Path Architecture fabric.) Bug#901517: marked as done (ITP: opa-fm -- Intel Omni-Path Fabric Management Software) Bug#901531: p-try could be embedded in node-p-limit Bug#901583: ITP: golang-github-danverbraganza-varcaser Bug#901742: marked as done (ITP: changeo -- Repertoire clonal assignment toolkit) Bug#901844: marked as done (ITP: networkd-dispatcher -- Dispatcher service for systemd-networkd connection status changes) Bug#901871: marked as done (ITP: photoflare -- Simple but powerful Cross Platform Image Editor) Bug#902333: marked as done (ITP: tbsync -- Thunderbird/Lightning Add-On to support MS Exchange Calendar etc.) Bug#902390: marked as done (ITP: keras-preprocessing -- data preprocessing module for the Keras deep learning framework) Bug#902391: marked as done (ITP: keras-applications -- popular models and pre-trained weights for the Keras deep learning framework) Bug#902569: marked as done (ITP: systemc -- SystemC class library) Bug#902927: marked as done (ITP: ruby-graphiql-rails -- mountable GraphiQL endpoint for Rails) Bug#902976: marked as done (ITP: netcdf-parallel -- Parallel build of NetCDF library) Bug#903375: preliminary building package Bug#903727: marked as done (ITP: perl6-zef -- Perl 6 package manager) Bug#903850: marked as done (ITP: python-certbot-dns-ovh -- OVH plugin for Certbot) Bug#903973: marked as done (ITP: orthanc-mysql -- Plugins to use MySQL or MariaDB as a database back-end to Orthanc) Bug#904002: marked as done (ITP: kylin-video -- Front-end for MPlayer and MPV) Bug#904132: ITP: browsh -- Fully interactive, realtime, and modern text-based browser Bug#904193: marked as done (ITP: osmo-bsc -- GSM Base Station Controller) Bug#904218: marked as done (ITP: nextepc -- Implementation of the Evolved Packet Core for LTE (4G)) Bug#904224: marked as done (ITP: feathernotes -- FeatherNotes is a lightweight Qt5 hierarchical notes-manager for Linux. It is independent of any desktop environment.) Bug#904643: marked as done (ITP: amtk -- Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit library for GTK+ applications) Bug#904810: marked as done (ITP: muttrc-mode-el -- Emacs major mode for editing muttrc) Bug#904940: marked as done (ITP: fparserc++ -- Function Parser for C++) Bug#904980: marked as done (ITP: spullara-cli-parser -- This is simple commandline parser reuired by kotlin.) Bug#905065: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-canonicalltd-raft-membership -- Extension of the Hashicorp raft package to easily join and leave a cluster) Bug#905080: O: as31 - Intel 8031/8051 assembler Bug#905134: marked as done (ITP: libcoap2 -- C-Implementation of CoAP, API version 2) Bug#905234: Do you need some help with the urbackup package ? Bug#905240: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-rivo-tview -- Rich interactive widgets for terminal-based UIs) Bug#905262: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-tcnksm-go-gitconfig -- use gitconfig values in Go) Bug#905388: Devuan has working packages, but they need work wrt systemd Bug#905388: marked as done (ITP: elogind -- The systemd project's "logind", extracted to a standalone package) Bug#905391: marked as done (ITP: cryptominisat -- CryptoMiniSat is a modern, multi-threaded, simplifying SAT solver) Bug#905412: marked as done (ITP: lepton-eda -- Lepton Electronic Design Automation) Bug#905840: marked as done (ITP: hinawa-utils - Utility tools for libhinawa) Bug#906024: marked as done (ITP: libgdsii -- C++ library for working with GDSII binary data files) Bug#906102: marked as done (ITP: dtl -- diff template library written by C++) Bug#906272: marked as done (ITP: minetest-mod-intllib -- Minetest module for internationalization of modules) Bug#906280: marked as done (ITP: ionit -- Render configuration files from Jinja templates) Bug#906791: marked as done (ITP: securefs -- Filesystem in userspace (FUSE) with transparent authenticated encryption) Bug#906793: marked as done (ITP: px -- ps and top for human beings) Bug#906853: marked as done (ITP: tbsync -- [Thunderbird Add-On] Sync contacts, tasks and calendars to thunderbird. Currently supporting Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) and sabre/dav (CalDAV & CardDAV)) Bug#907068: marked as done (ITP: wxsvg -- C++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files) Bug#907084: marked as done (O: ucspi-unix -- UNIX-domain socket client-server command-line tools) Bug#907105: Bug#909105: consider switching asciidoctor to Architecture: all Bug#907117: marked as done (ITP: sacc -- simple terminal gopher client) Bug#907122: marked as done (ITP: poolcounter -- network daemon which provides mutex-like functionality) Bug#907179: marked as done (ITP: caftools -- maintenance of DNA sequence assemblies) Bug#907200: marked as done (ITP: kim-api -- KIM API is an Application Programming Interface for atomistic simulations) Bug#907393: marked as done (ITP: hotspot -- The Linux perf GUI for performance analysis.) Bug#907435: marked as done (ITP: antimony -- Computer-aided design CAD tool) Bug#907780: Package is removed upstream Bug#907978: marked as done (ITP: mrtrix3 -- diffusion-weighted MRI white matter tractography) Bug#907985: marked as done (ITP: morbig -- Parser for POSIX shell scripts) Bug#908002: marked as done (ITP: timeshift -- Application that provides functionality similar to the System Restore feature in Windows and the Time Machine tool in Mac OS ) Bug#908003: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-qtest -- Inline Tests for OCaml) Bug#908150: marked as done (ITP: gnucap-python -- Python bindings for the GNU circuit analysis package) Bug#908194: marked as done (ITP: ukui-greeter -- lightdm greeter for UKUI) Bug#908197: marked as done (ITP: biometric-authentication -- Biometric Authentication Service) Bug#908215: marked as done (ITP: lagan -- highly parametrizable pairwise global genome sequence aligner) Bug#908278: marked as done (ITP: libimagequant -- palette quantization library (development files)) Bug#908333: marked as done (ITP: srt -- Secure Reliable Transport) Bug#908462: marked as done (ITP: ukui-biometric-manager -- Manager for biometric authentication) Bug#908469: marked as done (ITP: ukui-biometric-auth -- UKUI authentication agent for PolicyKit-1) Bug#908482: marked as done (ITP: libgoogle-protocolbuffers-perl -- simple Perl interface to Google Protocol Buffers) Bug#908661: marked as done (ITP: hipspy -- A Python astronomy package for Hierarchical Progressive Surveys) Bug#908697: marked as done (ITP: argparse-manpage) Bug#908746: marked as done (ITP: mypager -- pager tool to use with mysql/psql command line clients) Bug#908787: gpiozero: please provide python module on all architectures Bug#908825: marked as done (ITP: shadowsocks-qt5 -- Cross-platform shadowsocks GUI client) Bug#908935: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-azure-azure-storage-blob-go -- Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Library for Go) Bug#908976: marked as done (ITP: gost -- local copy tool of Security Tracker (Redhat/Debian) written in go)) Bug#909010: marked as done (ITP: debian-edu-artwork-legacy -- Debian Edu Artwork form previous release (only those we liked)) Bug#909106: marked as done (ITP: libjsonparser -- Very low footprint JSON parser written in portable ANSI C) Bug#909158: marked as done (ITP: qr-code-generator -- QR Code generator library in multiple languages) Bug#909167: marked as done (ITP: libstb -- single-file public domain (or MIT licensed) libraries for C/C++) Bug#909411: marked as done (ITP: gxemul -- machine emulator for multiple architectures) Bug#909429: marked as done (ITP: osmo-sgsn -- Serving GPRS Support Node for Mobile Networks) Bug#909610: marked as done (ITP: eclipse-platform-debug -- Language independent facilities and mechanisms for debugging with the Eclipse platform) Bug#909670: marked as done (ITP: gnome-remote-desktop -- Remote desktop daemon for GNOME using Pipewire) Bug#909819: marked as done (ITP: gdspy -- Python module for handling GDSII stream files) Bug#909823: Your ITP: getthermal -- USB thermal camera viewer Bug#909826: marked as done (ITP: theme-d - a Scheme-like language implementing static typing) Bug#909940: marked as done (O: t38modem -- T.38 Fax over IP pseudo modem) Bug#909961: marked as done (ITP: termrec -- terminal session recorder/player/converter) Bug#910002: marked as done (ITP: combblas -- an extensible parallel graph library for graph analytics) Bug#910059: RFH: gnucash -- personal and small-business financial-accounting software Bug#910077: marked as done (ITP: binoculars -- Surface X-ray diffraction 2D detector data reduction) Bug#910085: marked as done (ITP: gnukhata-core -- Free Accounting Software (Core Engine)) Bug#910121: marked as done (ITP: lua-inspect -- Lua table visualizer, ideal for debugging) Bug#910278: marked as done (ITP: pygalmesh -- a Python frontend to CGAL's 3D mesh generators) Bug#910290: marked as done (ITP: schroedinger-maeparser -- parser for the Maestro (.mae) file format) Bug#910308: marked as done (ITP: jiconfont -- API to provide icons generated by any icon font) Bug#910314: marked as done (ITP: jiconfont-swing -- jIconFont - Swing support) Bug#910320: marked as done (ITP: jiconfont-font-awesome -- jIconFont - Font Awesome) Bug#910338: marked as done (ITP: mdk4 - poc tool to exploit common IEEE 802.11 protocol weaknesses) Bug#910357: marked as done (ITP: segemehl -- short read mapping with gaps) Bug#910461: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-paramhelpers -- GNU R helpers for parameters in black-box optimization and tuning) Bug#910516: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-mlr -- Machine learning in GNU R) Bug#910646: marked as done (ITP: ssocr -- OCR for seven segment displays) Bug#910662: marked as done (ITP: gost-crypto -- Linux kernel modules implementing GOST cryptography) Bug#910706: marked as done (ITP: debian-cloud-images -- tool used by the Debian Cloud Team to create official cloud images) Bug#910749: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-iso -- GNU R functions to perform isotonic regression) Bug#910798: marked as done (ITA: iw -- tool for configuring Linux wireless devices) Bug#910917: RFA: apache2 -- Apache HTTP Server Bug#910936: marked as done (ITP: praelector -- helps one to read a latin phrase in a "natural" way) Bug#910951: marked as done (ITP: python-trustme -- fake certificate authority for test use) Bug#910956: marked as done (ITP: python-sniffio -- detect which async Python library is in use) Bug#910960: marked as done (ITP: python-outcome -- capture the outcome of Python function calls) Bug#911026: ITP: manuskript -- open-source tool for writers Bug#911076: marked as done (ITP: libdeflate -- fast, whole-buffer DEFLATE-based compression and decompression) Bug#911105: marked as done (ITP: python-serverfiles -- accesses files on a HTTP server and stores them locally for reuse) Bug#911111: marked as done (ITP: python-louvain -- community graph analysis implementing Louvain method) Bug#911162: marked as done (ITP: pybel -- Python interface to OpenBabel) Bug#911195: marked as done (ITP: dxvk -- Vulkan-based translation layer for Direct3D 10/11) Bug#911212: marked as done (ITP: minetest-mod-mobs-redo -- Minetest module to add mobs programming interface) Bug#911219: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-plumber -- API Generator for GNU R) Bug#911277: marked as done (ITP: termbox -- Library for writing text-based user interfaces) Bug#911286: marked as done (ITP: mojo-executor -- execute other plugins within a Maven plugin) Bug#911293: marked as done (ITP: libre-engine-re2-perl -- RE2 regex engine) Bug#911302: marked as done (ITP: string-template-maven-plugin -- execute other plugins within a Maven plugin) Bug#911442: marked as done (ITP: minetest-mod-ethereal -- Minetest module to add a map generator enhancer) Bug#911472: marked as done (ITP: lightvalue -- Generator for lightweight Java value/model classes) Bug#911480: marked as done (ITP: php-excimer -- PHP extension that provides a non-static, non-global profiler) Bug#911486: marked as done (ITP: loggerhead-breezy -- Web viewer for Breezy) Bug#911506: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-gsa -- GNU R gene set analysis) Bug#911508: r-cran-shinyfiles_0.7.1-1_amd64.changes REJECTED Bug#911529: marked as done (ITP: ruby-grape-path-helpers -- Route path helpers for Grape) Bug#911549: marked as done (ITP: python-uvicorn -- ASGI server implementation, using uvloop and httptools) Bug#911774: marked as done (O: xview -- XView shared libraries) Bug#911802: Re: Bug#911802: ITP: kovri -- C++ I2P router Bug#911803: preliminary building package Bug#911807: marked as done (ITP: rover -- text-based light-weight frontend for update-alternatives) Bug#911809: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-ini -- Read and Write '.ini' Files) Bug#911839: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-lwgeom -- GNU R bindings to selected 'liblwgeom' functions for simple features) Bug#911843: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-geosphere -- GNU R Spherical Trigonometry) Bug#911850: marked as done (ITP: tracetuner -- Interpretation of raw data from DNA sequencers) Bug#911855: marked as done (ITP: tzdiff - Show Timezone differences with local time in CLI) Bug#911865: marked as done (ITP: ibus-kmfl -- IBus-kmfl is an IM engine for multiple languages, based on IBus) Bug#911895: preliminary building package Bug#911913: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-gh -- Minimal client to access the 'GitHub' 'API') Bug#911914: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-clipr -- Read and Write from the System Clipboard) Bug#911917: marked as done (ITP: pyserial-asyncio -- Async I/O extension package for pyserial) Bug#911936: marked as done (ITP: eclipse-jdt-debug -- Java debugging support for the Eclipse Platform) Bug#911939: marked as done (ITP: prometheus-process-exporter -- Prometheus exporter that exposes process metrics from procfs) Bug#911942: marked as done (ITP: prometheus-nginx-exporter -- Prometheus exporter for NGINX web servers) Bug#911964: marked as done (ITP: plasmidseeker -- identification of known plasmids from whole-genome sequencing reads) Bug#911982: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-clisymbols -- Unicode Symbols at the R Prompt) Bug#911984: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-xopen -- Open System Files, 'URLs', Anything) Bug#911989: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-usethis -- Automate Package and Project Setup) Bug#912138: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-sessioninfo -- R Session Information) Bug#912158: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-remotes -- R Package Installation from Remote Repositories) Bug#912177: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-rcmdcheck -- Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and Capture Results) Bug#912209: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-ncmeta -- GNU R Straightforward 'NetCDF' Metadata) Bug#912227: marked as done (ITP: reflex -- Run a command when files change) Bug#912228: ITP: google-i18n-address -- Address Internationalization database (with python bindings) Bug#912228: marked as done (ITP: google-i18n-address -- Address Internationalization database (with python bindings)) Bug#912257: marked as done (ITP: eclipse-jdt-ui -- User interface for the Eclipse Java IDE) Bug#912279: marked as done (ITP: python-django-timezone-field -- database and form fields for pytz objects) Bug#912301: marked as done (O: outguess -- universal steganographic tool) Bug#912305: marked as done (ITP: unrardll -- Python wrapper for the unrar shared library) Bug#912339: marked as done (ITP: haskell-rio -- standard library for Haskell) Bug#912348: marked as done (ITP: netconsole -- Dynamically configure Linux netconsole) Bug#912534: ITP: r-cran-selectr -- Translate CSS Selectors to XPath Expressions Bug#912534: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-selectr -- Translate CSS Selectors to XPath Expressions) Bug#912553: ITP: eglexternalplatform -- EGL External Platform Interface Bug#912558: marked as done (ITP: python3-neutron-vpnaas-dashboard -- OpenStack VPN as a service dashboard plugin) Bug#912558: python3-neutron-vpnaas-dashboard Bug#912577: ITP: shellia -- library for interactive shell scripts Bug#912577: marked as done (ITP: shellia -- library for interactive shell scripts) Bug#912609: ITP: r-cran-rvest -- Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages Bug#912609: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-rvest -- Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages) Bug#912677: ITP: oci-systemd-hook - OCI systemd hook enables users to run systemd in OCI compatible runtimes Bug#912705: ITP: wsgiproxy2 -- A WSGI Proxy with various http client backends Bug#912708: ITP: aiowsgi -- minimalist WSGI server implementation using async Bug#912711: ITP: python-backports.os -- Backports of new features in Python's os module Bug#912716: ITP: r-cran-reprex -- Prepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard Bug#912716: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-reprex -- Prepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard) Bug#912728: ITP: r-cran-tidyverse -- Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse' Bug#912728: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-tidyverse -- Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse') Bug#912735: ITP: dnsperf -- DNS server and recursor performance testing tools Bug#912741: ITP: r-cran-biocmanager -- Access the Bioconductor Project Package Repository Bug#912741: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-biocmanager -- Access the Bioconductor Project Package Repository) Bug#912745: ITP: libregexp-wildcards-perl -- converts wildcard expressions to Perl regular expressions Bug#912745: marked as done (ITP: libregexp-wildcards-perl -- converts wildcard expressions to Perl regular expressions) Bug#912752: ITP: pyfuse3 -- Python 3 bindings for libfuse 3 using asynchronous I/O Bug#912754: ITP: scdoc - Small man page generator Bug#912754: marked as done (ITP: scdoc - Small man page generator) Bug#912761: ITP: octave-arduino -- Arduino Toolbox for Octave Bug#912762: ITP: tuna -- Thread and IRQ affinity setting GUI and cmd line tool Bug#912769: marked as done (ITP: ruby-hangouts-chat -- Library for sending messages to Hangouts Chat rooms) Bug#912771: ITP: python-linux-procfs -- Linux /proc abstraction classes in python Bug#912772: ITP: python-schedutils -- Linux scheduler python bindings Bug#912772: marked as done (ITP: python-schedutils -- Linux scheduler python bindings) Bug#912774: RFP: casparcg-server -- layered real-time video compositor Bug#912856: marked as done (ITP: ruby-archive-zip -- A simple Ruby-esque interface to creating, extracting, and updating ZIP archives) Bug#912865: ITP: mako - lightweight notification daemon for Wayland Bug#912897: marked as done (ITP: ruby-chromedriver-helper -- Easy installation and use of chromedriver) Bug#912913: ITP: node-d3-fetch -- Convenient parsing on top of Fetch Bug#912927: ITP: simplebayes -- A memory-based, optional-persistence naïve bayesian text classifier. Bug#912928: ITP: libpillowfight -- Library containing various image processing algorithms. Bug#912933: ITP: speg -- A PEG-based parser interpreter with memoization. Bug#912933: marked as done (ITP: speg -- A PEG-based parser interpreter with memoization.) Bug#912934: ITP: pycson -- a python parser for the Coffeescript Object Notation (CSON) Bug#912934: marked as done (ITP: pycson -- a python parser for the Coffeescript Object Notation (CSON)) Bug#912945: ITP: egl-wayland -- Wayland EGL External Platform library Bug#912950: ITP: puppet-module-antonlindstrom-powerdns -- Puppet module for PowerDNS Bug#912983: ITP: haskell-mustache -- Haskell implementation of Mustache templates Bug#912983: marked as done (ITP: haskell-mustache -- Haskell implementation of Mustache templates) Bug#913027: RFP: hblock -- Improve your security and privacy by blocking ads, tracking and malware domains Bug#913031: ITP: fonts-allerta -- Signage font Bug#913033: RFP: bcc -- bytecode-compiler for Linux kernel BPF Bug#913079: ITP: strawberry -- an audio player and music collection organizer fully based on Qt5 Bug#913118: ITP: libspread-sheet-widget -- gtk3 widget for spread sheet like tabular data required for pspp Bug#913118: libspread-sheet-widget package required for pspp Bug#913118: marked as done (ITP: libspread-sheet-widget -- gtk3 widget for spread sheet like tabular data required for pspp) Bug#913130: ITP: golang-gopkg-freddierice-go-losetup.v1 -- A losetup implementation for go-lang Bug#913130: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-freddierice-go-losetup.v1 -- A losetup implementation for go-lang) Bug#913145: ITP: pcbasic -- free, cross-platform emulator for the GW-BASIC family of interpreters. Bug#913157: marked as done (ITP: node-jest-worker -- Module for executing heavy tasks under forked processes in parallel) Bug#913167: ITP: tryton-modules-sale-subscription -- Sale Subscription Module for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#913167: marked as done (ITP: tryton-modules-sale-subscription -- Sale Subscription Module for the Tryton Application Platform) Bug#913168: ITP: tryton-modules-account-es -- Financial and Accounting Module for Spain for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#913168: marked as done (ITP: tryton-modules-account-es -- Financial and Accounting Module for Spain for the Tryton Application Platform) Bug#913169: ITP: tryton-modules-account-fr-chorus -- Account FR Chorus Module for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#913169: marked as done (ITP: tryton-modules-account-fr-chorus -- Account FR Chorus Module for the Tryton Application Platform) Bug#913170: ITP: tryton-modules-account-dunning-email -- Account Dunning Email Module for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#913170: marked as done (ITP: tryton-modules-account-dunning-email -- Account Dunning Email Module for the Tryton Application Platform) Bug#913171: ITP: tryton-modules-edocument-uncefact -- EDocument UN/CEFACT Module for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#913171: marked as done (ITP: tryton-modules-edocument-uncefact -- EDocument UN/CEFACT Module for the Tryton Application Platform) Bug#913172: ITP: tryton-modules-edocument-unece -- EDocument UNECE Module for the Tryton Application Platform Bug#913172: marked as done (ITP: tryton-modules-edocument-unece -- EDocument UNECE Module for the Tryton Application Platform) Bug#913211: RFP: python-rt -- access Request Tracker API from python Bug#913219: ITP: libyang -- IETF YANG schema / data handling implementation Bug#913235: ITP: yavta -- Yet Another V4L2 Test Application Bug#913238: ITP: fonts-paratype -- ParaType font collection for the languages of Russia Bug#913245: RFP: elpa-evil-numbers -- increment and decrement numerical literals Bug#913285: RFP: oxipng -- Parallel lossless PNG compression optimizer Bug#913296: ITP: fonts-gamaliel -- black letter face Bug#913311: ITP: slinkwatch -- automatic enumeration and maintenance of Suricata monitoring interfaces Bug#913311: marked as done (ITP: slinkwatch -- automatic enumeration and maintenance of Suricata monitoring interfaces) Bug#913313: ITP: balboa -- server for indexing and querying passive DNS observations Bug#913319: ITP: ethflux -- InfluxDB data gatherer for ethtool-style network interface information Bug#913319: marked as done (ITP: ethflux -- InfluxDB data gatherer for ethtool-style network interface information) Bug#913331: ITP: acme -- Multi-platform cross assembler for 6502/6510/65816 CPU Bug#913331: marked as done (ITP: acme -- Multi-platform cross assembler for 6502/6510/65816 CPU) Bug#913333: ITP: golang-github-namsral-flag -- Parse flags, environment variables and config files Bug#913334: ITP: golang-github-justinas-alice -- Painless middleware chaining for Go Bug#913356: ITP:desktopfolder - Bring your Desktop Back to Life Bug#913435: TAG: kickpass -- stupid simple password safe Bug#913449: ITP: node-es6-promisify -- Convert callback-based Javascript to ES6 Promise Bug#913449: marked as done (ITP: node-es6-promisify -- Convert callback-based Javascript to ES6 Promise) Bug#913456: ITP: ocaml-ptmap -- Maps over integers implemented as Patricia trees Bug#913489: ITP: x2godesktopsharing -- Share X11 desktops with other users via X2Go The last update was on 17:41 GMT Mon Jun 17. 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