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Re: Installing modem.

Hoyt Bailey wrote:

I did some more research this morning and the above isnt accurate.  While it
is what I experienced in KDE login as me and su to root.  I ran minicom -s
on the command line, as root, after reading the rather extensive manual
(much more than one page).  I was able to setup the modem dont know if it is
right though.  After exiting the setup I was in a screen that said, as the
last line, cntl A-Z for help.  No matter what I did it was not possible to
even move the cursor.  Cntl C or D also didnt do anything.  Finally reset
the system to get out.  I did reissue the setserial command as listed and it
appeared to work.  That probable means that KDE is bad.  Could this be
happening because most of these programs were installed before the "nvidia"
driver was installed?
The modem is totally unrelated to the video driver.
KPPP may not be working, but that's a very small part of KDE, so it would be inaccurate to say that KDE is bad.

When in minicom, if it's talking properly to the modem, you should be able to enter a command like:
and your modem will respond with something like

If you don't get such a response, something is still wrong with your modem/configuration.

I wish I could give you more information, but I'm not that familiar with modems. I don't like dealing with modems, especially ones that aren't external on COM1 or COM2, and so avoid them whenever I can. All I can suggest is keep trying.


Kent West (westk@acu.edu)

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