debian-l10n-russian Dec 2017 by thread
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[BTS#883258] po-debconf://uftp/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883259] po-debconf://fookebox/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883260] po-debconf://qcumber/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883261] po-debconf://mailman3-core/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883288] po-debconf://zoph/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883289] po-debconf://opensvc/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883290] po-debconf://evqueue-core/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883326] po-debconf://expeyes/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883329] po-debconf://nixstatsagent/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883330] po-debconf://phabricator/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883337] po-debconf://open-isns/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883338] po-debconf://congress/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883389] po-debconf://google-android-platform-installers/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883390] po-debconf://google-android-sdk-docs-installer/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883391] po-debconf://google-android-ndk-installer/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883400] po-debconf://google-android-build-tools-installer/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883401] po-debconf://google-android-m2repository-installer/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#884315] po-debconf://open-infrastructure-container-tools/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
Re: ejabberd 17.11-1: Please update debconf PO translation for the package ejabberd
Sergey Alyoshin
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4054.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] po-debconf://google-android-platform-installers/ru.po
Christian PERRIER
[BTS#883889] po-debconf://google-android-ndk-installer/ru.po
Christian PERRIER
[DONE] po-debconf://google-android-ndk-installer/ru.po
Christian PERRIER
[DONE] po-debconf://open-infrastructure-container-tools/ru.po
Christian PERRIER
[BTS#883415] po-debconf://open-infrastructure-container-tools/ru.po
Christian PERRIER
[BTS#883389] po-debconf://google-android-ndk-installer/ru.po
Christian PERRIER
[BTS#883460] po-debconf://murano/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883461] po-debconf://barbican/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883463] po-debconf://sahara/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883467] po-debconf://open-infrastructure-storage-tools/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
Перевод шаблонов debconf
Lev Lamberov
Re: Перевод шаблонов debconf
Yuri Kozlov
Re: Перевод шаблонов debconf
Lev Lamberov
Re: Перевод шаблонов debconf
Sergey Alyoshin
Re: Перевод шаблонов debconf
Lev Lamberov
Добрый день. Не можешь зарегистрироваться на вашем форуме Подскажите...
МОУ "СОШ № 11 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов"
Re: Добрый день. Не можешь зарегистрироваться на вашем форуме Подскажите...
Lev Lamberov
Добрый день. Не можем зарегистрироваться на вашем форуме Ошибка
МОУ "СОШ № 11 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов"
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4055.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4056.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4057.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883873] po-debconf://fontconfig/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883876] po-debconf://tzdata/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883878] po-debconf://apt-listchanges/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4058.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4059.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883914] po-debconf://webalizer/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883916] po-debconf://openafs/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883918] po-debconf://kexec-tools/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883919] po-debconf://redmine/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883920] po-debconf://i2p/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4060.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{News/2017/20171209.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{News/2017/2017120902.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883990] po-debconf://wdm/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883991] po-debconf://colplot/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[BTS#883993] po-debconf://horizon/ru.po
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-406{1,2}.wml
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-406{3,4}.wml
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{consultants/tuxjob.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-406{5,6}.wml
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4067.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4068.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4069.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-407{0,1,2}.wml
Lev Lamberov
Re: [DONE] wml://security/2017/dsa-407{0,1,2}.wml
Andrey Skvortsov
Tidy validation failed
Debian Webmaster
Re: Tidy validation failed
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4073.wml}
Lev Lamberov
Re: [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4073.wml}
Andrey Skvortsov
Re: [DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4051.wml}
Andrey Skvortsov
Команда локализации на Salsa
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4075.wml}
Lev Lamberov
[DONE] wml://{security/2017/dsa-4076.wml}
Lev Lamberov
The last update was on 06:13 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 74 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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