debian-l10n-dutch Apr 2012 by subject

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60 AÑOS DE UNA REVISTA IMPROBABLE [BTS#670166] po-debconf://chef [RFR] po-debconf://chef (8 strings) [RFR] po-debconf://mcollective (12 strings) CVS webwml/dutch CVS webwml/dutch/Bugs CVS webwml/dutch/CD/netinst CVS webwml/dutch/CD/releases CVS webwml/dutch/distrib CVS webwml/dutch/doc CVS webwml/dutch/intro CVS webwml/dutch/MailingLists CVS webwml/dutch/misc CVS webwml/dutch/po CVS webwml/dutch/ports/kfreebsd-gnu CVS webwml/dutch/ports/m68k CVS webwml/dutch/security/audit debian-installer: Please update sublevel 6 Depo ve Stok Yonetimi 13:19:06 New sublevel added to Debian Installer: sublevel 6 (for recently changed strings) postfix 2.9.1-2: one string modified - updates needed The last update was on 11:14 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 45 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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