debian-java Jan 2018 by thread
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Removal of obsolete packages or Java 9 blockers
Markus Koschany
Re: Removal of obsolete packages or Java 9 blockers
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: Eclipse 4.x and Tycho
Markus Koschany
Tomcat 8.5.24 needs tcnative v1.14
Adrian Heath
Attempt to backport jython to Stretch
Andreas Tille
Re: Attempt to backport jython to Stretch
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: apache-karaf in Debian
Steinar Bang
Re: apache-karaf in Debian
Steinar Bang
Scala Build Tool (sbt) status ?
Adam Cécile
Re: Scala Build Tool (sbt) status ?
Frédéric Bonnard
Re: Scala Build Tool (sbt) status ?
Adam Cecile
RFS: node-pinkyswear 2.2.3+dfsg-1
Philip Rinn
Re: RFS: node-pinkyswear 2.2.3+dfsg-1
Markus Koschany
Is it possible to have multiple versions of a java-lib installed?
Steinar Bang
Re: Is it possible to have multiple versions of a java-lib installed?
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: Is it possible to have multiple versions of a java-lib installed?
Thorsten Glaser
Re: Is it possible to have multiple versions of a java-lib installed?
Steinar Bang
Re: Is it possible to have multiple versions of a java-lib installed?
Steinar Bang
Re: Is it possible to have multiple versions of a java-lib installed?
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: Is it possible to have multiple versions of a java-lib installed?
Steinar Bang
Re: Is it possible to have multiple versions of a java-lib installed?
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: Is it possible to have multiple versions of a java-lib installed?
Steinar Bang
Re: Is it possible to have multiple versions of a java-lib installed?
Emmanuel Bourg
Tool for automatically resolving maven depdencies to debian dependencies?
Steinar Bang
Re: Tool for automatically resolving maven depdencies to debian dependencies?
Emmanuel Bourg
dpkg-buildpackage mvn command tries to use /root/.m2/repository
Steinar Bang
Re: dpkg-buildpackage mvn command tries to use /root/.m2/repository
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: dpkg-buildpackage mvn command tries to use /root/.m2/repository
Steinar Bang
Re: dpkg-buildpackage mvn command tries to use /root/.m2/repository
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: dpkg-buildpackage mvn command tries to use /root/.m2/repository
Steinar Bang
Re: dpkg-buildpackage mvn command tries to use /root/.m2/repository
Steinar Bang
Re: dpkg-buildpackage mvn command tries to use /root/.m2/repository
Markus Koschany
Re: dpkg-buildpackage mvn command tries to use /root/.m2/repository
Steinar Bang
Re: dpkg-buildpackage mvn command tries to use /root/.m2/repository
Steinar Bang
How should the systemd setup in a postinst script look?
Steinar Bang
Re: How should the systemd setup in a postinst script look?
Eugene Zhukov
Re: How should the systemd setup in a postinst script look?
Frédéric Bonnard
Re: How should the systemd setup in a postinst script look?
Steinar Bang
Re: How should the systemd setup in a postinst script look?
Steinar Bang
Re: How should the systemd setup in a postinst script look?
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: How should the systemd setup in a postinst script look?
Steinar Bang
Re: How should the systemd setup in a postinst script look?
Steinar Bang
Do transitive dependencies need to be specified in the control file?
Steinar Bang
Re: Do transitive dependencies need to be specified in the control file?
Markus Koschany
Re: Do transitive dependencies need to be specified in the control file?
Steinar Bang
Re: Do transitive dependencies need to be specified in the control file?
Steinar Bang
javacc-maven-plugin, javacc, and the jtb update
tony mancill
Re: javacc-maven-plugin, javacc, and the jtb update
Markus Koschany
Fwd: Action requested: migration of alioth list pkg-java-maintainers
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: Fwd: Action requested: migration of alioth list pkg-java-maintainers
Markus Koschany
Is it possible to run maven from a postinst mainscript?
Steinar Bang
Re: Is it possible to run maven from a postinst mainscript?
Emmanuel Bourg
Re: Is it possible to run maven from a postinst mainscript?
Steinar Bang
Bug#888987: ITP: jboss-threads -- JBoss Threads
Markus Koschany
The last update was on 14:39 GMT Mon Dec 30. There are 54 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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