debian-java Feb 2015 by thread
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ITP: osgi-annotation -- Java OSGi API - annotation module Markus Koschany
RFS: libconstantine-java update to 0.8.6 Potter, Tim (Cloud Services)
Looking for help: syncany dependencies Alexandre Viau
antlr3 on slow machines (was Re: Log for attempted build of forked-daapd_22.0-1 on m68k (dist=unstable)) Thorsten Glaser
Bug#779239: ITP: headius-options -- Java library that manages sets of JVM properties to configure an app or library Miguel Landaeta
Bug#779261: ITP: unsafe-mock -- Java library providing a mock of sun.misc.Unsafe class with support for fences Java 8 API Miguel Landaeta
status of eclipse-pydev Markus Koschany
The last update was on 11:11 GMT Mon Jun 03. There are 93 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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