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Re: Debian IS for the enterprise

Quoting Toens Bueker <toens.bueker@e-trend.de>:

> There are some workarounds. One is

This is the second (or was it third) workaround presented... What I'm
trying to point out is that these shouldn't be necessary. They are, but
they shouldn't...

Releasing more often (but maintaining quality which is difficult in it
self) should make workarounds unneeded.

> There is an downloadable ISO-Image (floppies, too, of
> course), which lets you install woody based on
> 2.4.20 (and xfs, if you like).

All we who have used Debian GNU/Linux for a while know all this. If not,
we find out quickly enough. But having the same quality and simplicity
as RH (when it comes to installation, not when actually running the
system!) will make 'linux illiterates' being able to install Debian
GNU/Linux as a server OS. It shouldn't be TO easy, but...
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