debian-chinese-gb Apr 2009 by thread
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2.6.29内核编译模块时缺少 /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.29-1-common/arch/x86/Makefile_32.cpu allan xu
gateway doesn't locate at the same subnet of the IP Address. hongyi . zhao
unsubscribe Crane Wang
Debian 怎么装语言支持? Liuheng
Re: Bug#381459: convmv: does not support gb18030 encoding Niko Tyni
[D-I Manual] Build log for zh_CN (05 Apr 2009) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
Deploy job management system software such as PBS, LSF on Debian cluster. hongyi . zhao
svnbook(Version Control with Subversion) 已经与官方版本库合并 Dongsheng Song
Debian HCL service Deng Xiyue
scim的词汇库有专门的安装包么? 明?
shadow: Please update the PO translation for the package shadow Christian Perrier
debian ia64的光盘ISO为什么不能引导? Liuheng
apt-get dist-upgrade 之后显示出现问题 Kuang Chen
有什么linux网站可以推荐? lin zhizhao
有人在debian上用blender吗? 明?
[D-I Manual] Build log for zh_CN (14 Apr 2009) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
Debian 安装程序中 swap 分区的标签和UUID与ext2文件系统的标签 Dongsheng Song
Signatures for Dedicating Lenny to Thiemo Dongsheng Song
testing里gdm找不到鼠标和键盘了 陈建恩
Lenny 下 mlterm 的字体好难配! User
Bug#396656 closed by Sune Vuorela <> (kmail: The dialog window which has focus is covered by other dialog windows) Debian Bug Tracking System
打印机设置求助――打印机不动作,但显示为打印成功 Mickey Fox
刚刚升级后x桌面环境从gnome变成了xfce4 Sprite Fox
需要将xulrunner和blender结合,该怎么办? 明?
squeeze升级后网络配置不正常 Yueguang
Fwd: Request for Help maintaining Consultants List Anthony Wong
在testing 中使用compiz的设置问题 陈建恩
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