debian-arm Dec 2020 by thread
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d-i Alpha 3 seems unusable for qemu-system-aarch64 Ryutaroh Matsumoto
Re: Bug#976808: Bullseye arm64 d-i Alpha 3: Items cannot be selected by space Ryutaroh Matsumoto
Pls. consider raspi-related configs for kernel 5.10 Ryutaroh Matsumoto
Trying to run debian arm64 installer in qemu-system-aarch64 on amd64 Witold Baryluk
r-cran-partykit fails autopkgtest on arm64 - but I can't reproduce this Andreas Tille
bullseye-installer fails on Cubox-i due to networking issue Rainer Dorsch
Bug#978052: u-boot-sunxi: USB keyboard not working in u-boot menu Andrei POPESCU
CONFIG_VIDEO_CODA is not set Rainer Dorsch
The last update was on 18:40 GMT Tue Dec 29. There are 69 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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