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Re: Bug#976808: with "-display gtk" arrow keys are received as just ^[ on ttyAMA0

I verified that the reported symptom does NOT occur with
qemu-system-x86_64 and ttyS0 serial console running on an amd64 host.
This symptom seems unique to arm(64).

Specifically, I did the following:
(1) Start Bullseye d-i Alpha3 amd64 by the following commands:

rm -f $IMAGE
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o compat=1.1 -o lazy_refcounts=on -o preallocation=off $IMAGE 20G
cd /var/tmp
cp /usr/share/OCMF/OVMF_VARS.fd .
qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -vga none -display gtk -enable-kvm -machine q35 -cpu host -m 3072 -smp 2\
    -net nic,model=virtio -net user -object rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0 \
    -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0,id=rng-device0 \
    -drive if=virtio,file=${IMAGE},index=0,format=qcow2,discard=unmap,detect-zeroes=unmap,media=disk \
    -cdrom ${CDROM} \
    -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,file=/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd,readonly=on \
    -drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file=`pwd`/OVMF_VARS.fd 

(2) Start the d-i with "console=ttyS0" kernel command line.
I was able to use arrow keys without problem with the d-i Alpha 3.

Best regards, Ryutaroh Matsumoto

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