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Alpha 4100 rawhide with smp kernel WORKING
[alpha, hppa] GCC-4.3 as the default compilers for lenny?
AlphaServer - Uptime/reliability
Re: [alsa-devel] M-Audio Revolution 7.1 sound card causing crash on Alpha
Bug#472205: xorg-server: FTBFS on alpha in hw/xfree86/os-support/bus/axpPci.c
Re: Bug#472205: xorg-server: FTBFS on alpha in hw/xfree86/os-support/bus/axpPci.c
Bug#472852: gnat-4.3 ftbfs on alpha
Collare Luminoso a Led
Debian on Alpha ES40
Re: DM needs access to alpha machine for FTBFS bug
goetz problems
kernel-wedge and Debian Installer kernel udebs needs review
Lenny does not boot after installation
M-Audio Revolution 7.1 sound card causing crash on Alpha
Need for another alpha devel machine or buildd?
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Re: Yorick FTBS bug (was: your mail)
Re: your mail
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