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AMD ROCm packaging session
AMD ROCm packaging session followup notes
Bug#1000738: src:tensorpipe: fails to migrate to testing for too long: unresolved RC bug
Bug#984190: marked as done (libnop: ftbfs with GCC-11)
Bug#984270: Bug persists on arm64
Bug#984270: Fix uploaded to salsa
Bug#984270: marked as done (onednn: ftbfs with GCC-11)
Bug#998465: faiss: b-d on python3-all-dev, but not built for all supported Python3 versions
ideep is marked for autoremoval from testing
libnop is marked for autoremoval from testing
libnop_0.0~git20200728.45dfe0f-4_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
onednn is marked for autoremoval from testing
onednn_2.2.2+ds-3_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Processed: 2.4.3 builds
Processed: block 984304 with 995360
Processed: raise severity of python3.10 bugs
Processed: src:tensorpipe: fails to migrate to testing for too long: unresolved RC bug
Processed: tagging 994423
Processed: your mail
Processing of libnop_0.0~git20200728.45dfe0f-4_source.changes
Processing of onednn_2.2.2+ds-3_source.changes
pytorch is marked for autoremoval from testing
pytorch-audio is marked for autoremoval from testing
pytorch-text is marked for autoremoval from testing
pytorch-vision is marked for autoremoval from testing
ROCm 4.5.0 Release
ROCm build script and meeting agenda
skorch is marked for autoremoval from testing
tensorpipe is marked for autoremoval from testing
xnnpack is marked for autoremoval from testing
The last update was on 22:00 GMT Mon Nov 29. There are 61 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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