debian-68k Oct 2007 by thread
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- egnuig Ferdian Hargett
- pgeduwde Clive Redpath
- jtlemrom Karmjit Katny
- sepiacol Lousie Rosman
- Memory vs CPU requirements Thomas Weber
- Singleton isn't as simple as it Lula Moss
- binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Matthias Klose
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Stephen R Marenka
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Matthias Klose
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Mark Duckworth
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Michael Schmitz
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Mark Duckworth
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Stephen R Marenka
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Michael Schmitz
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Stephen R Marenka
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Stephen R Marenka
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Geert Uytterhoeven
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Stephen R Marenka
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Geert Uytterhoeven
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Stephen R Marenka
- Re: binutils, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-snapshot builds Michael Schmitz
- [buildd] Arrakis is up again Ingo Juergensmann
- Seminar-ua
- [buildd] building binutils Stephen R Marenka
- sid toolchain Stephen R Marenka
- 68k programmers reference manual Brian Morris
- m68k is not supported in glibc Stephen R Marenka
- m68k is not supported in glibc (fwd) Geert Uytterhoeven
- Off-topic: Ariadne II card DataZap
- Re: This will change your life soon MIRISNI
- Re: Missing oldstable security builds Moritz Muehlenhoff
- kiivi going berserk Wouter Verhelst
- [buildd] locales vs glibc-2.6-1 Stephen R Marenka
- Wiki page for m68kLennyReleaseRecertification Ingo Juergensmann
- Where are the build logs? Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz
The last update was on 10:14 GMT Sat Jun 08. There are 65 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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